摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解臺北地區舞蹈補習班家長與教師的親師溝通現況、家長與教師個人背景因素對親師溝通的影響,及探討家長與教師在親師溝通上的差異。研究方法採「調查法」,研究對象為臺北地區舞蹈補習班家長與教師,經「立意抽取」與「配額抽樣」之方式,共發出家長250份問卷,實得有效樣本數247份有效樣本,教師90份問卷,實得有效樣本數90份有效樣本,家長有效回收率達98.8%、教師有效回收率達100%。研究所使用之工具包括:「家長與教師個人背景資料調查表」、「舞蹈補習班親師溝通之調查問卷(教師部分與家長部份)」共兩項。施測所得資料分別以:次數分配、百分比、卡方考驗及一般線性模式單變量分析等統計方法進行分析。主要之結果如下:
1. 家長「性別」以「女性」居多,約占八成三。
2. 家長「職業」以「商」居多,約占兩成四。
3. 家長「年齡」以「31-40歲」居多,約占七成。
4. 家長「教育程度」以「大學」居多,約占三成六。
5. 家長「子女數」以「二位」居多,約占五成一。
6. 家長「子女就讀學校類別」以「國小」居多,約占四成七。
7. 家長「每月家庭總收入」以「80,000以上元」居多,約占四成。
1. 教師「任教年資」以「5年以下」居多,約占四成一。
2. 教師「教育程度」以「大學」居多,約占五成。
3. 教師「任教班級」以「幼兒律動」居多,約占三成六。
1. 舞蹈補習班家長最常使用的溝通方式為「電話溝通」,占30.67%,而「經過事先安排的會談」則為家長認為最有效的溝通方式,占33.75%;在溝通內容方面,最常談論的重要內容以子女在舞蹈學習上的「不良表現」為主,占63.05%。
2. 舞蹈補習班家長對親師溝通的擔憂程度以感到「從來不會擔憂」的家長占最多數,占53.66%,其中,主要擔憂的原因為「擔心自己的溝通技巧不足」,占21.54%。
3. 舞蹈補習班家長認為親師溝通的良好與否會對「子女的學習動機」造成最大影響,占25.63%;而家長在與教師「親師溝通」遇到困難時以「親自再與對方溝通」居最多數,占58.30%。
4. 有五成三的家長對舞蹈補習班親師溝通感到「非常滿意」,顯示家長對親師溝通的滿意程度大致良好。
1. 舞蹈補習班教師最常使用的溝通方式為「電話溝通」,占29.91%,而「經過事先安排的會談」則為教師認為最有效的溝通方式,占35.75%;在溝通內容方面,最常談論的重要內容以子女在舞蹈學習上的「不良表現」為主,占51.11%。
2. 舞蹈補習班教師對親師溝通的擔憂程度以感到「偶爾會擔憂」的教師占最多數,約占八成三,顯示在舞蹈補習班中,教師對親師溝通的擔憂程度高於家長,其中,主要擔憂的原因為「擔心家長不能信任或接納自己的想法及做法」,占31.36%。
3. 舞蹈補習班教師認為親師溝通的良好與否會對「學生的學習動機」造成最大影響,占26.45%;而家長在與教師「親師溝通」遇到困難時以「親自再與對方溝通」居最多數,占63.33%。
4. 八成的教師對舞蹈補習班親師溝通感到「大致滿意」,顯示教師對親師溝通的滿意程度大致良好。
1. 本研究結果發現,舞蹈補習班家長與教師的親師溝通,在「溝通方式」上家長與教師並無顯著差異;換言之,家長與教師所偏好選用的「溝通方式」差異並不顯著。
2. 本研究結果發現,舞蹈補習班家長與教師的親師溝通,在「溝通的主要內涵」方面的「優良表現」選項上,家長與教師的差異達顯著水準,其中,家長在選擇「優良表現」選項的百分率(30.8%)上,明顯高於教師的百分率(18.9%)。
3. 本研究結果發現,在舞蹈補習班家長與教師的親師溝通中,就「溝通障礙」原因理的「教師工作太繁重,沒有時間與心力跟家長溝通」選項而言,家長與教師的差異達顯著水準,其中,教師之選擇百分率(32.2%)顯著高於家長(18.0%)之選擇百分率。然而,在「對子女(學生)影響之看法」上,在「子女(學生)的學業成就」選項上,家長與教師的差異達顯著水準,其中,教師在「學生的學業成就」之選擇百分率(56.7%)顯著高於家長之選擇百分率(34.4%)。
4. 本研究結果發現,在舞蹈補習班家長與教師的親師溝通中,就「親師溝通的滿意程度」而言,在「非常滿意」選項上,家長與教師的差異達顯著水準,其中,家長在「非常滿意」選項上之選擇百分率達五成三,顯著高於教師的一成八,可見在臺北地區舞蹈補習班中,家長對親師溝通的滿意程度顯著高於教師;此研究結果,與前述在家長方面,沒有任何一位家長認為「教師缺乏與家長溝通的能力」相呼應,可發現到在舞蹈補習班中,家長普遍肯定教師在親師溝通方面的能力與努力。
This study aims at investigating the present situation of the communication between the parents and teachers at the dance class in Taipei City. The influence of parents background and teachers background on the communication between parents and teachers at the dance class is also be studied. Questionnaire survey method is taken in this study, and the research target was the parents and teachers at the dance class in Taipei City. After purposive sampling and quota sampling, 250 survey questionnaires for parents are issued, and 247 effective samples are obtained, and 90 survey questionnaires for teachers are issued, and 90 effective samples are obtained. The research tools used in the study include two items such as: “Parents and teachers personal background information survey table”, ” The communication between the parents and teachers at the dance class questionnaire(teachers’ part and parents’ part)”. The obtained data are analyzed with statistical methods such as: frequency distribution, percentage, the chi square test and general linear analysis. To sum up literature review and survey results, the following conclusions are obtained:
I. The present situation of the parents’ background at the dance class
in Taipei City
1. Most sex of the parents is woman, and the percentage is 83%.
2. Most career of the parents is business, and the percentage is 24%.
3. Most age of the parents is 31-40 years old, and the percentage is
4. Most education of the parents is university, and the percentage is
5. Most children numbers of the parents is two, and the percentage is
6. Most children’s school of the parents is elementary school, and the
percentage is 47%.
7. Most family income of the parents is over 80,000, and the
percentage is 40%.
II. The present situation of the teachers’ background at the dance
class in Taipei City
1. Most seniority of the teachers is under 5 years, and the percentage is
2. Most education of the teachers is university, and the percentage is
3. Most teaching class of the teachers is baby dance, and the percentage is 36%.
III. The present situation of the communication between the parents
and teachers at the dance class in Taipei City.
A. The parents’ part
1. “Telephone communication” is the most usually communication type used by parents at the dance class, and the percentage is 30.67%. “The setting meetings” is the most effective communication type, and the percentage is 33.75%.
2. The 53.66% parents at the dance class “Never feel worried” about the communication between the parents and teachers. The root cause is “The insufficient skill for communication”, and the percentage is 21.54%.
3. The 25.63% parents at the dance class consider the quality of the communication between the parents and teachers will influence “the students’ motive of learning.
4. The 53% parents at the dance class feel ”Very good” about the communication between the parents and teachers.
B. The teachers’ part
1. “Telephone communication” is the most usually communication type used by teachers at the dance class, and the percentage is 29.91%. “The setting meetings” is the most effective communication type, and the percentage is 35.75%.
2. The 83% teachers at the dance class “Sometimes feel worried” about the communication between the parents and teachers, and it’s higher than parents. The root cause is “Worried about the parents can’t accept the teaching mode”, and the percentage is 31.36%.
3. The 26.45% teachers at the dance class consider the quality of the communication between the parents and teachers will influence “the students’ motive of learning.
4. The 80% teachers at the dance class feel ”Good” about the communication between the parents and teachers.
IV. Every factor of “The parents’ personal background” and “The
teachers’ personal background” for the communication between
the parents and teachers at the dancing class in Taipei City show
obvious difference.
According to the research results, “The parents’ personal background” factor, including parents’ “sex”, “career”, “age”, “education”, “children numbers”, “children’s school”, “family income” show obvious difference in the communication between parents and teachers at the dance class in Taipei City.
In the other hand, according to the research results, “The teachers’ personal background” factor, including teachers’ “seniority”, “education”, “teaching class”, show obvious difference in the communication between parents and teachers at the dance class in Taipei City.
V. “The main contents”, “The communication barrier”, “The
influence”, “The satisfaction” of the communication between
parents and teachers at the dance class in Taipei City show
obvious difference between the parents and the teachers.
1. According to the research results, there is no obvious difference between the parents and the teachers on the “Communication type” at the dance class in Taipei City.
2. According to the research results, there is obvious difference between the parents and the teachers on “The good performance in the main contents”, and the percentage are 30.8% for the parents and 18.9% for the teachers.
3. According to the research results, there is obvious difference between the parents and the teachers on “The teachers are too busy to communicate with the parents” in “The root cause of the communication barrier”. The percentage of the teachers (32.2%) is higher than the parents (18.0%). However, there is obvious difference between the parents and the teachers on “The performance of the student’s grades” in “The influence on the students”. The percentage of the teachers (56.7%) is higher than the parents (34.4%).
4. According to the research results, there is obvious difference between the parents and the teachers on “Excellent” in “The satisfaction” of the communication between parents and teachers. The percentage of the parents (53%) is higher than the teachers (18%). This means the parents at the dance class in Taipei City are satisfied with the communication between parents and teachers.
V. The teachers in the dancing class should pay attention to the
difference situation for different parents’ background.
In order to satisfy the parents in different background, the dancing teachers should pay attention to the difference situation for different parents’ background. This is very helpful to the students in the dancing class.
Key words: Dancing class, The communication between parents and teachers, Parent, Teacher. |