摘要: | 本研究以電子書為標的探討版面編排的要素中有關字體與行間距離、文字走向對易讀性的影響,先以文獻探討法歸納分析,進而利用實驗研究-採眼動追蹤法(Eye-Tracking)探討在閱讀不同版面編排形式的電子書時,其中文字型種類以及文字走向與行距對易讀性與閱讀模式的影響。藉由受測者主觀易讀性感受、眼動狀態以及固定閱讀時間之下的閱讀篇幅三個評量指標探討其間之關聯性。本研究共進行三個實驗,分別為先導型實驗,字型、走向、行距組實驗與實用字型、走向組實驗。其施測對象為中國文化大學新傳學院學生。其中先導型實驗有效受測者41人次,係以眼動儀追蹤受測者閱讀12篇實驗用文章(6篇1組共2組)時的眼動狀態;字型、走向、行距組實驗有效資料共25人次,以眼動儀追蹤受測者於限定時間內閱讀8篇實驗用文章(2字型*2走向*2行距)時的眼動狀態,並調查其主觀感受;實用字型、走向組實驗有之效資料共24人次,以眼動儀追蹤受測者在限定時間內閱讀8篇實驗用文章(4字型*2走向)時的眼動狀態,並調查其主觀感受與閱讀的篇幅面積。主要研究發現摘述如下:
一、 字型種類、文字走向、行間距離的改變,皆會影響閱讀者的眼動狀態。由先導型實驗結果中發現,在固定閱讀文字量的情況下,閱讀明體時的閱讀速度快於行書體,凝視點數量亦少於行書體;閱讀橫書時的閱讀速度快於閱讀直書,凝視點數量亦少於直書;閱讀3.0行距的速度快於0行距。
二、 由字型、走向、行距組實驗結果中發現,在固定閱讀時間的情況下,凝視次數粗黑體多於行書,橫排多於直排,1.5倍行距多於0行距,橫排1.5行距多於直排0行距;平均視覺跳躍幅度橫排大於直排; 1.5倍行距之平均眨眼次數多於0行距。
三、 由實用字型、走向組實驗結果中發現,在固定閱讀時間的情況下,平均凝視時間粗黑體、新細明體、粗明體皆短於行書,其順序為:粗黑<新細明=粗明<行書;平均凝視時間則是直排多於橫排;平均視覺跳躍幅度橫排大於直排。
四、 從實用字體、行距組實驗中發現,有關文字編排之走向的改變,直排與橫排的版面在一定的閱讀時間內,其閱讀之量相同,但眼動追蹤所發現之眼動行為卻有橫排平均凝視時間較直排短、平均視覺跳躍幅度較直排大的現象。可見橫排與直排之編排並未影響閱讀的量,但其閱讀模式確有不同。
關鍵字 : 眼動追蹤、電子書、易讀性、版面編排
It has been recognized that typography and layout would affect how readers receive and comprehend the content of an article, and thus may change reading patterns in both behavioral and optical aspects. With the extensively increasing use of digital communication worldwide, preferred choices of digital content and its layout inevitably enter the focus of interest of research and industries. Different forms of design might have an effect on reading patterns and readers’ preferences for content and thereby affect the published message. Former studies on printed matter have already shown the influence of various layout factors on reading patterns. This study aims at exploring whether the participants’ reading speed and the course of the eye movement will be influenced by three basic typographic variables: font type, line spacing, and text orientation.
The study was conducted in a controlled environment with 41 students of the College of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Culture University. Subjects were exposed to an experimental setting with eye-tracking apparatus and asked to read articles written in Chinese characters on a back-lit e-book within a fixed period of time. There were two groups of students reading 6 articles each, sorted according to the experimental goal of finding reactions to font type, line spacing, and text orientation. By applying the method of eye-tracking, it has been examined how different forms of layout and typography influence the reader’s perception and reading mode.
(1) It could be confirmed that font type, line spacing, and text orientation do affect the eye-movements. It was found that during the same fixed reading time, the identical amount of content induced different reading patterns: clear typo was read quicker than calligraphy style, due to shorter pauses on words; and vertically arranged text was read quicker than horizontally arranged for the same reason. Text with 3.0 line spacing was read quicker than text without spacing.
(2) Repeated gazes on words were more frequent in text with characters of rough typo than smooth one, and more often on horizontally organized than on vertical text; as well as on words with a spacing of 1.5 than on words without spacing. Horizontal text of 1.5 spacing was more often gazed at than vertical text without spacing, while eye jumps were more evenly distributed when reading horizontal text, and eye jumps were more evenly distributed in text of 1.5 spacing than in text without spacing.
(3) Pauses were more evenly distributed on rough typo, clear typo, and mixtures of both than on calligraphy style, and in the aforementioned order. Gazes were more evenly distributed in vertical text than in horizontal, eye jumps were more frequent on horizontal text than on vertical.
The experiment’s results on the use of typography and spacing demonstrate that during a fixed reading time, reading of the same content induces more eye movements on horizontally arranged text than on vertically arranged, but more research needs to be conducted for investigating the reasons. |