本研究利用混煉法來製備奈米雲母(nano-mica)/ABS樹脂之奈米複合材料,混煉時以不同含量重量百分比之奈米雲母進行混煉,實驗中除比較添加不同含量奈米雲母於ABS樹脂,另外探討直接添加未經改質(Non-modify)的奈米雲母和以Epoxy、Methacrylic改質的奈米雲母之靜態機械性質(抗張強度與模數、耐衝擊強度和硬度) 、動態機械性質(DMA) 、熱性質(TGA、DSC、融熔指數)及物理性質提昇與改善ABS樹脂性質程度差異。
研究結果得知,經由傅立葉紅外線光譜(FTIR),證實奈米雲母已成功改質。由粒徑分析儀檢定改質後的雲母粉末仍為奈米等級。以SEM 觀察改質對奈米雲母與ABS樹脂之間結合力的差異,得知改質過雲母與ABS樹脂結合性較佳。機械性質方面,得知複合材料的抗張強度及耐衝擊強度測試皆會隨奈米雲母添加變硬變脆而下降,且改質後奈米雲母的機械性質因分散性優於改質前的雲母。動態機械性質方面,Tg點不會隨著雲母的添加而改變。熱性質方面,得知隨著雲母添加量增加,耐熱性提昇效果更顯著,但因改質劑會先裂解使得改質後雲母的耐熱性不如改質前雲母。
In this paper we use melt compounding to produce nanocomposites of mica /ABS. The synthesis of nanocomposites materials include ABS, and mica (include non-modify and modify). To investigate the improvement on the static mechanical and Physical properties, dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA), heat properties of mica/ABS nanocomposites. The static mechanical properties include tensile strength and modulus, impact strength and hardness. In the heat properties include thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). And the melt flow index. Different functional groups were grafted on the mica by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer(FTIR). It is observed that the modification influenced bound force between ABS and mica by SEM, and discove modify-mica best than non-modify mica of associativity. In the mechanical properties,the results had been down for tensile strength and modulus, impact strength because the Material has been Stiffening and Changes crisp. The modified mica was better than non-modified mica in the ABS/mica nanocomposites, because of dispersal influenced. The glass transition (tanδ peak) has no significant effectiveness, when ABS filled of mica. In the heat properties, concentration of mica was reflected in a marked increase of the heat-resistant. However, the functional groups dissociated at first,so modified mica decreased heat-resistant of nanocomposites.