FIT Relationship Marketing of Travel Agencies in Taipei
Student: Ai-Fen Pan Advisor: Prof . Ming-Huei Lee
Chinese Culture University
This study explores the FIT relationship marketing of Travel Agencies in Taipei. The packages of SPSS 15.0 and LISREL 8.54. were used to analyze the questionnaire data (N=207) . It is found that among the relationship marketing variables, ‘communi-cation’ is the most recognized antecedent variable; otherwise, the ‘opportunistic be-havior’ is the least one. Among the mediators, ‘commitment’ is recognized as the most important one. In consequent variables, ‘propensity to leave’ is the most important variable but ‘functional conflict and acquiescence’ is the least one. The result of Pear-son’s product-moment correlation analysis suggests positive relationships between the all variables. Finally, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) illustrates that mediating variables affected by antecedent variables and consequent variables affected by medi-ating variables. Based on these findings, this study proposes suggestions for future re-lationship marketing of the travel agency research.