This study empirically examines the relationship between hotel employees’ personality traits and their service behavior. A survery questionnaire was designed and distributed to all the employees in the Regent Taipei. The measurement of personality traits was applied from the Big Five Model(Costa & McCrae, 1992)and the service behavior items were adopted from Tsaur & Lin’s(2004) research. A total of 911 questionaires were issused and valid data were 796(88%). Data analyses included descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA analysis and multiregressions. Majoy findings are listed below:
1.Hotel employees with agreeableness personality would significantly provide
both in- and extra- role service behaviors.
2.Hotel employees with conscientiousness personality would significantly
provide both in- and extra-role service behaviors.
3.The personality trait of extraversion is not significantly relted with in-
role service behavior. As well, the personality trait of extraversion would
significantly provide extra- role service behavior.
4.The personality trait of neuroticism would significantly provide in- role
service behavior.The personality trait of neuroticism is not significantly
related with extra- role service behavior.
5.Hotel employees who tend to be openness to experience would significantly
provide both in-and extra- role service behaviors.