本研究之目的在調查評估遊客體驗花博之效益,此效益是以遊客體驗花博後之最大願付金額衡量之。花博具有公共財特性,其效益之估計無法直接從市場觀察到,因此必需借重非市場評價方法。本研究採用雙邊界二分加上一個追問方式之條件評價法,於100年1月份針對新生園區聯外出入口遊客抽樣,以面訪問卷方式調查其參觀後的支付意願,並進行願付金額之估算。調查評估結果發現:於參觀經驗、社經資料與評價之問項中,參觀經驗的參觀館數與參觀滿意度對支付意願有顯著之正面影響;社經資料與評價的起始金額與家庭收入對支付意願有顯著之正面影響,教育水準則對支付意願有顯著之負面影響。接著以Markandya, Harou, Bellu and Cisyulli (2002)所提出平均最大願付金額估計公式,計算出平均每人最大願付金額為534.76元,此金額遠大於花博單日成人票價。
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the benefit of 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo. The benefit of the Expo is measured by the visitor’s
willingness-to-pay (WTP) for the Expo after visiting. The Flora Expo is a public good in nature. There is existed no market for the Expo, hence it needs to employ the non-market valuation methods to estimate the WTP for the Expo. In this research, we employ a double-bounded with a follow–up contingent valuation method to interview the visitors at the exit of the Xin-sheng district. It is found that the tourists’ satisfaction and the number of being visited pavilion, educational level, family income, and the eliciting price are the significant factors affecting the visitor’s willingness-to-pay for the 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo. The estimated mean WTP for the 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo is NTD$534.76 which is obviously greater than the ticket price charged.