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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://irlib.pccu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/19767

    Title: 植群調查分析在景觀復育之應用-以金門島嶼海岸植群調查為例
    Authors: 何宗遠
    Contributors: 景觀學系
    Keywords: 植群調查
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2011-10-20 11:08:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究對金門及烈嶼海岸不同干擾程度的植群進行取樣,金門本島全島選擇27個樣區,樣區(Quadrats)大小為25m×50m,每樣區設置5條1m×50m帶狀橫截樣區,共有133條樣帶(plots)。烈嶼海岸選擇25個研究樣區,共有125條樣帶,兩區共計258條樣帶植物數據資料。每樣帶以1m×1m樣框套選小區(subplot)調查各植物覆蓋度作為優勢度指標。數據以矩陣群團分析法(Matrix Cluster Analysis)及樹枝圖解法(Dendrogram)使不同的植物群團歸群。其後計算種間相關性之卡方值,瞭解其為正相關或負相關,並對於外來種入侵加以探討入侵情形及防範的方法。群團分析可得知金門及烈嶼海岸之植物群落大致與海岸地形有關。屬於沙岸地形之群團一共有10個,泥岸地形之植群群團有14個,岩岸地形的植物群團有20個,沼澤地形之植物群團有2個。在種間相關性的研究中,極顯著正相關的包含沙岸地形的海濱月見草與白茅、番杏與鋪地黍、蔓荊與鋪地黍、蔓荊與濱剪刀股等。泥岸地形包含銀合歡與潺槁樹、海濱月見草與加拿大蓬、加拿大蓬與白茅、銀合歡與木麻黃等。岩岸地形包含潺槁樹與沙朴、潺槁樹與魯花樹等。此外,針對大金門的植被演替也進行干擾程度的分析。分別統計沙岸、泥岸及岩岸的植物帶平均距離及起始平均位置,並與大金門植物群團分析的結果相結合,依其受干擾程度的不同將沙岸地形分為輕度干擾、中度干擾、高度干擾,將泥岸及岩岸地形分為干擾較少、干擾較多,共7種植被演替型態,以供進行景觀復育時,不同岸形與干擾程度不同之植栽種植參考依據。
    Vegetation of different degree of interference in Kinmen and Lieyu was sampled. Sample plots with 5 belt transects of 1×50m2 were applied in each selected area of the two islands. Twenty-seven plots with 133 transects and 25 plots with 125 transects were set in Kinmen and Lieyu, respectively. Coverage of each species in each transect was measured and taken as dominance to carry out matrix cluster analysis method (Matrix Cluster Analysis). Dendrogram was then drown. In the two islands ten vegetation types of sandy shore, 14 vegetation types of muddy shore and 20 vegetation types of rocky shore were identified. 2×2 contingency was used to test the positive correlation or negative correlation of dominant species. Seventy-one highly correlated species pairs in Kinmen and Lieyu coast were recognized. In sandy shore, plant species such us Tetragonia tetragonoides & Panicum repens, Vitex trifolia var. simplicifolia & Panicum repens had significant positive correlation. In muddy shore, Leucaena leucocephala & Litsea glutinosa, Oenothera drummondii & Erigeron cancdensis had very significant positive correlation. In rocky shore, Litsea glutinosa & Celtis sinensis, Litsea glutinosa & Scolopia oldhamii had significant positive correlation. Vegetation succession of coastal areas was analyzed based on degree of interference. Zonation and distance of different vegetation belts were estimated by means of the measurement of each coastal types. Seven types or stages of vegetation succession were identified. The investigation results and analysis data are supposed to provide the authorities of Kinmen the methodology for the restoration of vegetation in coastal areas.
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Landscape Architecture & Graduate Institute of Landscape Architecture ] thesis

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