In “The Decay of Lying” Oscar Wilde famously said that “life imitates art,” reversing the classical Western (from Plato and Aristotle) and more or less common-sense idea that “art imitates life.” Wilde, along with other late 19th-century English writers and poets who were part of the “decadent” movement, was influenced by the French impressionist painters, symbolist poets and their aestheticism, their religion of pure art, guided by the slogan l’art pour l’art” or “art for art’s sake.” Interestingly, the idea that “life imitates art” not only gives the priority to art and aestheticism itself, but also predicts in certain ways late-20th- century European postmodernism with its simulacra and virtual realities.
In this thesis I plan to show how Wilde’s aesthetics (as described in critical works like “The Decay of Lying”) is manifested in the pure aestheticism of his poetry and in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, and then to explore the impact of the Wildean aesthetic lifestyle on a certain contemporary Western youth culture, a pop- culture lifestyle. I will also suggest the relevance of Wilde’s “life imitates art” to postmodernist aesthetics, to the self-parodying “textuality” of postmodern art and to Baudrillard’s view of the postmodern culture as a culture of the hyper-real, the simulacra or purely virtual surface with no material “reality” behind or beneath it.