由於無線通訊發展、運用快速增加,使用網路的人日益增多,利用無線設備來定位的需求也不斷的增加,定位服務(Location-based Service, LBS)已成為生活中不可或缺的一種無線通訊服務,本研究主要目的是運用RFID設備的特性及演算法的設計,發展一套有效率且準確的定位系統,經探討有關RFID定位的文獻,可以發現精確的定位與低廉的成本,兩者實難兼顧,然本研究則是運用三角形空間收斂的方法,在一個正方形的實驗空間內,先以三角形包圍住待定位的物體,再逐步縮小範圍,達到定位的目的。經過實驗證明,透過我們提出的方法,可以有效的減少設備的使用量,並且一樣能達到準確的定位。
With the increasing development and application on wireless communication, and the demand of positioning with wireless equipment, Location-based Service(LBS) has become an indispensable wireless service today. The primary goal of this study is to evolve an efficient and accurate positioning system via the characteristics of RFID and algorithm. In relevant study on RFID, it is difficult to meet accurate positioning and inexpensive budget simultaneously. This study applies ‘triangle space convergence’ which surrounds an object to be positioned with a triangle in an experimental space and positioning the object by narrowing the triangle. Therefore, approved by the above experiment, accurate positioning can be meet with the our method and decrease the use of equipments.