本研究探討高山攀登者在超然體驗、心流與幸福感之因果關係。此外,以高山攀登者高度參與和低度參與作為比較,並深入探討幸福感之次構面自我實現和快樂享受之影響。本研究採現地調查法,以線性結構關係模式Lisrel 8.80版進行實證分析。正式問卷回收共計388份,刪除無效問卷後,實得有效問卷339份,有效問卷率為87.37%。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the causal relationships among transcen-dent experience, the notion of flow and sense of happiness. In addition, the differences in experiencing eudaimonic happiness and hedonic enjoyment between participants who are highly motivated and non-motivated in mountaineering are also assessed. The data collection was conducted locally by sample survey methodology and compiled results were statistically analyzed based on structural equation modeling by software Lisrel 8.8 version. Total 388 surveys were received and 339 valid samples were used for this study (87.37% questionnaire validity rate).
The result showed that transcendent experience positively affects one experiencing the state of flow and sense of happiness. In addition, a person with transcendent experi-ences is allowed with a higher degree of happiness through the notion of flow. In the case study of participants in mountaineering, climbers who are highly immersed and en-joyed in the activity, experiencing a state of transcendence, also display positive correla-tion between the sense of flow as well as happiness. Such correlation was not observed among non-motivated climbers to hedonic enjoyment. Finally, the concept of flow and eudaimonic also appears to be positively associated for people with transcendent ex-periences. Results and conclusions obtained from this study can be used in establishing research models for future study.