摘要: | 隨社會的變遷與需求,政府對幼兒照顧與教育制度日益重視,幼托整合政策與兒童教育及照顧法已漸趨完備;托教機構中之教保人員,為因應幼教政策發展方向,提升個人專業素養及學歷,符合任用資格,在職進修將是重要且必需之途徑。已婚教保人員在職進修中,因身兼多重角色,角色間與角色內之衝突,與社會支持情形之關係是值得研究探討的。
As society changes and needs, the government pays much attention to child care and education system. Therefore the Integrated kindergarten-nursery school policy and the Childhood Education and Care Act is increasingly comprehensive; In response to the development of early childhood education policy and to promote personal, professional quality, and consistent with the appointment of qualified, in-service education is important and necessary to childhood educators. Married in-service early childhood educators are playing multiple roles during the in-service education. The intra-role and inter-role conflict, and the relationship between social support is worthy of study.
This study used self-documenting "role conflict scale", "social support scale" to conduct an investigation. Shares were issued 828, recycling 767 copies, effective questionnaire 735 copies, and recovery effective usage of 95.83%. Use of factor analysis, internal consistency reliability testing, single-factor variance analysis, Pearson accumulated rate related analysis, multiple regression analysis, carries on the data processing analysis.
The results show, married in-service early childhood educators, in the role of conflict in various dimensions, (a) the husband and wife role conflicts facet: the higher the average monthly income, the lower role conflict is; the conflict of studying in the two-year institute of technology is higher than studying in further education system. The conflict is higher in studying on weekdays and weekend nights than studying at weekdays nights. (b) Conflicts of household duties facet: role conflict is lower while studying in the two-year institute of technology and living with the parents in-laws. (c) Conflicts of family leisure: the lower the average monthly income, the higher role conflict is. The conflict is higher in studying in the two-year institute of technology than in studying in further education system. The conflict is higher in studying on both weekday and weekend nights than studying on weekday nights. (d) The conflict of interpersonal relationship facet: The conflict is higher in studying on both weekday and weekend nights than studying on weekday nights. (e) The early childhood educators-student role conflict facet: The conflict is higher in studying in the two-year institute of technology than in studying in further education system.
The results of social support dimension show that over age 51 is the highest and age 41-45 is the lowest on total support dimension. It is also indicates that (a) the emotional support facet: under age 30 (inclusive), support is the highest. (b) The messages support facet: over age 51, support is the highest. (c) substantive support facet: live with the parents in-law, and over age 51, support is the highest.
There is significant negative correlation exists between social support and role conflict. In other words, the higher the degree of social supports, the lower the conflicts of roles.
The prediction criterion analysis shows: The higher emotional support and information support can predict that interpersonal relationships of the married in-service early childhood educators are better. The higher emotional support can predict marital conflict of roles. In the interpersonal conflict, role conflict and personal background variables: the number of children, the average monthly income of the family, age, category of in-service education has a negative predictive power. The largest explanatory power is interpersonal conflict, followed by the husband and wife role conflict.
In order to increase professional knowledge, improve qualifications, and setting up for early childhood professional image, in-service education is utmost importance. To minimize the role conflict of married in-service early childhood educators can help them to achieve the goal of the above. Therefore the institutions for in-service education, should properly planning education sessions, and take advantage of multimedia video teaching, partition for off-campus classes, to increase the education staff family life time, lower the effect of in-service education on family life; government agencies or institutions should subsidize the education staff to reduce the influence of in-service education on family economy. The support of society, family, teaching and nursing Agency, officer, colleagues, students, friends, and other support, also reduce the impact of the conflict. From the above, to reduce the causes of the conflict of roles, allows married in-service early childhood educators working smoothly, and thus achieve the quality of the promotion, and the smooth implementation of government policy on early childhood education.
Key words: early childhood education, in-service education, role conflict, social support. |