本研究藉由協同篩選系統,應用Web 2.0工具列與標籤(Tag)定義,參考疾病診斷標準文獻找出標準疾病關鍵字與相關研究所提出之醫療網站之內容評鑑標準,篩選吻合醫療資訊評鑑標準的機構認證網站與資料。引用Delicious會員資料,計算標籤連結網頁內文關鍵字TF-IDF並協同推薦網路相同標籤使用者的正確醫療健康資訊網站及正確內容網站,同時可以檢視目前標籤使用與對應的網址在醫療健康資訊的正確性狀況。提供篩選推薦正確資料予相關病友與專業人士的群集,藉由網路傳播相信能更快速造福其他病友,更可以消除心理不安與預期,也許更勝於醫療人員的協助。
In this study we use the collaborative filtering system application of Web 2.0 toolbar out the tag definition, Reference standard diagnostic criteria for disease literature to identify the relevant keywords of the content of medical web site criteria, seeking with medical information standards for the certification criteria and information web sites, Use Delicious Member list, computing the tag link keywords within the TF-IDF of page and same tag collaborative network users recommend the correct medical and health information sites and content correctly. meanwhile be able to view the current use and the corresponding tag in the medical and health information web site of the correctness of the situation, To provide accurate information to recommend screening of patients and professionals in the cluster by the network believe that the more rapid spread of the benefit of other patients, but also can be expected to eliminate the psychological anxiety and, perhaps more than the assistance of medical personnel.