台灣地區的原住民族群雖多,但因其所佔人口比例少、居住地區通常較屬偏 遠、再加上特有的文化,使原住民在台灣的人口族群中之社經地位往往較低,故 原住民之教育程度與生涯之發展比起一般民眾來得差,因此技職教育在原住民族 之教育政策佔有重要之地位。 餐旅業是二十一世紀發展蓬勃的產業,人力需求殷切,就業與創業的機會 多,餐飲技職教育日益蓬勃,建教合作之課程模式為其重要的一環。本研究擬以 高中職餐飲相關科系之建教合作原住民學生為對象,採深度訪談之質性方式進行 研究,藉由與建教合作原住民學生的對話過程,深入瞭解與探討其生活背景與建 教合作學習歷程,對於工作價值觀及職業選擇有何影響。 依據前述之研究動機,本研究之研究目的如下: 一、瞭解高職餐飲管理科建教合作班原住民學生之工作價值觀。 二、瞭解高職餐飲管理科建教合作班原住民學生工作選擇之傾向。 三、剖析高職餐飲管理科建教合作班原住民參與建教合作實習後,工作價值觀在 業界生態、族群文化、個人特質與思維之融通、衝擊、調適與質變的歷程。
Although there are 12 aboriginal tribes in Taiwan, but their populations are less in proportion. Combining with peculiar culture, aborigine of Taiwan often pass the lower social-economics status, and their education degree and development of career come difference compared with non-aboriginal people. So vocational education occupies important position in the national aboriginal education policy. The hospitality industry develops flourishingly in the 21st century, the manpower demand is ardent. And the food and beverage vocational education is flourishingly day by day. The cooperative program is an important way for the vocational education. The method of this Research is the quality way of depth interviews. According to the mention above, the main purposes of this research are as follows: 1. understand the working values of aboriginal students in food and beverage cooperative program for vocational schools. 2. explore the occupational choice of aboriginal students in food and beverage cooperative program for vocational schools. 3. analyze the qualitative changing process about the work values of aboriginal students in food and beverage cooperative program by the interaction among industry ecology , ethnicity's culture , personal idiosyncrasy and thinking.