摘要: | 桔醬是客家飲食中非常具有特色的傳統醬料,桔醬原材料是金桔。依據許多文獻指出柑橘類具有抗氧化、抗發炎、抗細胞增生及預防腫瘤等生物活性,可能與柑橘類中的類黃酮、檸檬苦素類以及橙皮油素等化合物的潛在化學預防活性有關。因此,本試驗以生鮮金桔自製成客家桔醬,分析客家桔醬之基本組成分,並初步探討其抗氧化活性。桔醬的一般成分,以100公克計算,含有水分69.97克、粗灰份4.25克、粗脂肪0.17克、粗蛋白0.35克、碳水化合物25.26克、非水溶性膳食纖維3.10克以及水溶性膳食纖維1.10克。桔醬的清除DPPH自由基能力隨著濃度增加而增加,清除率在50%以上所計算之EC50值為62.15mg/mL。由文獻及試驗結果可知生鮮金桔含有多種機能性成分,並展現出生理活性的功效,本試驗製成加工產品桔醬後,發現仍然具有自由基清除能力,因此,有關桔醬加工製程的改良以降低其機能性成分的減少的研究值得進一步探討。
Hakka orange sauce is a characteristic traditional sauce. Based on literature review, the citrus fruits have biological activities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, and cancer preventive activities. Several classes of compounds found in citrus fruits could be contributed to the potential chemopreventive activity, e.g., flavonoids, limonoids, and auraptene. In the present study, hakka orange sauce was made and analyzed the food composition. The scavenging effect of hakka orange sauce on DPPH free radical was preliminarily evaluated. The hakka orange sauce's general ingredients included the moisture content 69.97%, crude ash 4.25%, crude fat 0.17%, crude protein 0.35%, carbohydrate 25.26%, insoluble dietary fiber 3.10% and soluble dietary fiber 1.10%. The DPPH scavenging effect of hakka orange sauce was concentration dependent and the EC50 was 62.15 mg/mL. According to the literature and the research results, the fresh kumquat possessed various kinds of functional ingredients and revealed the biological activity effect. And the processed products of kumquat, hakka orange sauce, still had the free radical elimination ability. The further investigation may be performing for the analysis of functional ingredients and the optimization of hakka orange sauce processing. |