Due to the more strict control pf landuse within the national park than that in other urban landuses, the residents within the boundary of the national park have always complained about the different standard of landuse control for the lands with similar characteristics of environmental resource. The aim of this study is trying, from the viewpoint of the private land owners in the Yangmingshan area who hope to utilize the landuse efficiently, to evaluate the total development guota of landuse in the general control area of the Yangmingshan park, and to calculate the maximum threshold of serving the visitors and the related activities under the condition of not degrading the environmental and living qualities. The finding from this study is that, although the total carrying capacity of natural environment is less than total demand of varied activities, a part of land within the study area is still underutilized for the sake of the constraint of landuse in the national park. And, this kind of environmental unjustice resulted from the unsuitable utilization of carrying capacity can be improved by permit regulation of landuse development.