摘要: | 都市熱島為對都市永續、舒適、安全性造成威脅的都市氣候現象。本研究目的以實地調查探討都 市綠地形式與配置對其降低周圍氣溫效力之影響,進而為減緩都市熱島效應之都市綠地規劃與設計 提供科學研究之基礎。研究主持人過去以一系列「點、線、面」主軸實地調查研究台北市區內熱島 效應與綠地間關係,發現公園與主要道路均會影響週邊之氣溫,唯進行「面」之探討時發現都市內 冷熱島會同時隨時空變異,以至未能繪製出台北市的相對冷熱島分佈圖。 本四年計劃目的為以實驗設計解決時空變異問題,繪製台北市主要街廓區內相對冷熱島分佈圖, 以分析都市空間與氣溫間關係,目標如下: 第一年:分析大台北地區冷熱島時間變異,求出冷熱島強度與氣象條件關係式,並求出冷熱島時間同 質單元以作後續調查之基礎; 第二年:探討台北主要街廓冷熱島空間變異結構,求出冷熱島空間同質單元作後為續調查之基礎; 第三年:探討台北主要街廓冷熱島空間同質單元內公園綠地附近冷熱島細部空間變異; 第四年:整合分析台北主要街廓冷熱島強度之時空變異,以對減緩都市熱島效應為考量的綠地規劃配 置改良方法提供建議,並對空間變異結構在人為規劃土地上的適用性以及環境時空同時變異 之問題作方法之論述。
The urban heat island is an urban climate phenomenon that threatens the sustainability, amenity, and safety of urban areas. This project is part of a series of research that uses field studies to study the influence of urban green space content and configuration on the green space』s ability to cool surrounding areas, and provide scientific basis for urban green space planning and design, with the purpose of mitigating the urban heat effect. Past studies have followed a 「dot, line, and surface」 series, and have found that parks (dots) and major roads (lines) affect the temperature of surrounding areas, but when the study was extended to two dimensions to capture spatial distribution patterns, the data were very much confounded by the date on which the data were collected. This is a four-year proposal aimed at testing a survey method designed to capture temporal and spatial variation in temperature, and handle the problems that arise with this variation. With the success of such a method, it will then be possible to analyze the spatial patterns of urban cool/heat islands within a city, and their relationships with the configuration of urban space. Objectives include: 1st year: Analyze the temporal variance of urban cool/heat island intensities in the Taipei metropolitan area, solve for the relationship between urban cool/heat island intensity and weather conditions, and classify the temporal dimension into homogeneous units with regard to cool/heat island intensities; 2nd year: Analyze the spatial variance of urban cool/heat island intensities within the major street blocks of Taipei city, and delineate spatially homogeneous sections with regard to cool/heat island intensities; 3rd year: Analyze the spatial variance of urban cool/heat island intensities within the temporal and spatially homogenous sections and in the vicinity of urban parks; 4th year: Comprehensive analysis of the temporal and spatial variance in urban cool/heat island intensities within Taipei city, determine the effect of component and configuration of urban parks on their influence on the temperature environment of their surroundings, discuss the usefulness of geostatistics in an artificial environment, and discuss methods to deal with temporal AND spatial variance. |