摘要: | 1930年代初期至中期以上海為中心的左翼文藝運動,雖然其風行只有五、六年,卻對中國的文學、戲劇、電影、音樂等有著重大的影響。此一運動的推動者,多為中國共產黨黨員及同情中共的「進步」人士,在這段時期內,為了宣揚反帝、反封建以及反資產階級,共有七十多部左翼電影的拍攝上映。其中以《漁光曲》這部影片最受人矚目,不僅1934年在上海連映84天,創下空前紀錄,而且1935年參加莫斯科國際電影節,獲得了榮譽獎,成為中國電影史上第一部得到國際獎的影片。本文主要在論述該影片拍攝的緣起、過程、上映時的盛況、時人的評論、獲莫斯科國際電影節榮譽獎始末,並及於該影片的出品公司、編劇兼導演、主要演員、主題曲和音樂、錄音和攝影。
The left-wing literary movement, prevalent in areas centering around Shanghai in the early and the mid 1930's, though lasting for only five or six years, has had far-reaching influence on literature, movies and music of China to some degree. People behind this movement were members of the Chinese Communist Party, and some so-called "progressive" people who stood on the same side with the CCP. During this period of time, in order to promote the ideas of anti-imperialism, anti-feudalism, and anti-capitalism, they produced approximately seventy films, among which, Yu Guang Qu (《漁光曲》, Song of the Fishermen) was the most popular. The film was shown in Shanghai for eighty-four days consecutively, breaking the current record. In 1935, it participated in the International Movie Festival in Moscow, won an honorable award, and thus became the first movie in Chinese history that has won an international award. The essay is devoted to describing its original plan, production process, the inauguration ceremony in Shanghai, newspaper commentaries to the film, its participation and winning of the International Movie Festival in Moscow, the production company, the script writer, the director, the cast, the theme songs, music recording, photographing, and many other details. |