本試驗比較傳統平板灑佈誘釣法、改良誘釣包及新型膠帶誘釣法分離拮抗微生物之效率,以及所得拮抗菌之拮抗能力優劣。針對三種線蟲捕捉性真菌(Arthrobotrys spp., Dactylaria spp.,及Dactylella spp.)、一種線蟲寄生性細菌(Pasteuria penetrans)、獵食性線蟲(Monochus sp.)、捕植蟎及放線菌(actinomycetes)為誘釣之對象。首先比較三種方法對不同物種之誘釣能力,結果顯示只有誘釣包方式可以成功分離獵食性線蟲和蟎類,而新型膠帶誘釣法除了針對放線菌外,其分離率為三種方法中最低者,但是膠帶誘釣法所得之三種捕捉性真菌和放線菌,卻在培養皿中表現出最佳之拮抗能力。培養皿中表現最好的拮抗菌株在溫室試驗中,除了獵食性線蟲外,所有的拮抗微生物皆可有效降低土壤中根瘤線蟲的二齡幼蟲數目和根系上的線蟲卵塊數,而其中以線蟲寄生性細菌(Pasteuria penetrans)和放線菌(Streptomyces saraceticus)的拮抗能力較線蟲捕捉性真菌為佳。本試驗中依照新思維所發明的新型膠帶誘釣法,經試驗證明所誘釣出的拮抗微生物較其他誘釣法分離出之拮抗菌確實有較佳之拮抗能力。
The conventional baiting, sprinkled plate method, modified baiting bags and a novel baiting tape method were compared for their efficacies of recovering different antagonists including fungi, bacteria, nematodes and mites. The baiting bag method had the highest isolation rates of nematodetrapping fungi and nematode parasitic bacterium Pasteuria penetrans, and was the only method capable of recovering predatory nematodes and mites. The novel baiting tape method had the lowest isolation rates of all the antagonists except actinomycetes. However, Arthrobotrys sp., Dactylaria sp. and Dactylella sp. baited by the baiting tape method had the best nematode-trapping activity and Streptomyces saraceticus, the highest chitinolytic activity in the in vitro assays. Isolates of the three nematode trapping fungi and S. saraceticus with the best antagonistic activities in vitro, along with Pasteuria penetrans and a predatory nematode Mononchus sp. were tested in the greenhouse experiments. All of these antagonists, except Mononchus sp., greatly reduced the number of J2 root-knot nematodes in soil and the egg masses on roots. P. penetrans and S. saraceticus had better controlling ability than the three nematode trapping fungi. The new baiting method has the ability to baite and select antagonists with high biocontrol efficacy.