摘要: | 母豬群生產力的重要指標爲母豬每胎離乳頭數(Litter Size at Weaning, LSW)與每年每頭生產胎次(Litters per Sow per Year, LSY),其中種公豬配種受胎率與種母豬分娩率、仔豬離乳前死亡原因與育成率與LSW有關;泌乳天數、未生產日數(Non-Productive Days, NPD)、離乳至再配種間距(Weaning-to-Service Interval, WSI)、與母豬群胎次分布都是LSY的貢獻因子;經由整合性的資訊管理系統,監控這些因子可改善豬群生產力。豬隻生產資訊系統(Pig Production Information system, PPIS)是一個架設在Microsoft® 2000 server的網路資料庫管理系統,分成豬群生產記錄管理及生產力分析診斷兩個模組。本報告採用一個500頭母豬規模的種豬場,2001年1月1日至2002年7月1日的配種資料爲例,應用PPIS於實際生產管理工作,探討其應用方法,並與該場原使用之DBASE系統比較驗證分析的結果。研究結果驗證PPIS分析報表,包括配種、分娩、生長報表與離乳、免疫與出售清單之結果與DBASE均相同,指出PPIS系統的正確性;但DBASE沒有生產力統計、診斷與網路資料庫的功能。經由PPIS系統,個案豬場進行豬群生產力綜合分析診斷,結果指出母豬生產力的兩項經濟指標,每年每頭母豬離乳仔豬數(Pigs weaned per sow per year, PWSY)爲12.39頭,以及未生產日數(NPDs)爲114.89天,皆未達到商用豬場繁殖性能目標(16.5頭,52.6天)。經系統診斷結果,個案豬場偏低的PWSY可能是因爲NPDs偏長、受胎率偏低(81.46%)、出生總仔數較少(9.42頭),且仔豬離乳育成率只有87.87%。此外,NPDs延長之原因可能是女豬初次配種日齡較晚(260.16天),以及分娩率較低(77.67%)導致較長的離乳至再配間距(11.15天)。本研究結果驗證了PPIS的正確性與田間試驗的分析應用結果。生產者藉由PPIS,可了解豬群特性,掌握全場生產力趨勢,透過系統提供之豬群生產力專家知識,可作爲決策之依據,提昇豬群生產力。
Sow productivity (pigs weaned per sow per year, PWSY) is a function of litter size at weaning (LSW) and litter per sow per year (LSY). Conception rate (CR) of boars and farrowing rate (FR) of sows, as well as piglets survival rate at weaning and causes of the piglets death before weaning are related to LSY; and lactation length, Non-productive days (NPD), weaning to service interval (WSI), and parity distribution of sow herd are contributed to LSY. Monitoring these management factors via integrated computer information system can improve sow productivity. Pig Productive Information System (PPIS) is a web-based computer program constructed using a Microsoft® 2000 Server and an Access 2000 database which comprises productive data management and diagnosis modules. Using field data for sows mating between January 1 of 2001 and July 1 of 2002 from a breeding herd of 500 sows, this paper evaluated and verified the functions and results of the PPIS system, and the DBASE system which previously used in the farm was also compared. The study indicated that management reports on sow mating and farrowing, pig weaning, growth, health, and market records for daily management activities were the same for the PPIS and DBASE systems. DBASE however, did not provided the sow productivity related information and not Web-based. Based on the results generated from PPIS diagnosis module, the two most suitable criteria for assessing sow productivity, PWSY (12.39 pigs) and NPDs (114.89 d), were lower than the required performance standard (16.5 pigs, 52.6 d). The lower PWSY was due to the longer NPDs, lower CR (81.46%), lower total piglets born alive (9.42 piglets) and the 87.87% survival rate at weaning led to the reduction in LSW. Moreover, the prolonged NPDs in the field data could have resulted from the later age at first mating (260.16 d), the lower FR (77.67%) and the longer WSI (11.15 d). Results of this study demonstrated the function and results of PPIS using the field record. The PPIS provides the opportunities to generate the information required by pig producers in real-time. The integration of knowledge, experience, and expertise can assist producers in decision-making to improve the productivity of pig herds. |