摘要: | 1980年代起,台灣的許多都市開始有郊區化的現象產生,都市的發展,逐漸的跳脫出原有都市計畫的區域範圍,而向非都市地區擴散,這種現象稱之為都市擴張,其對環境品質有著長遠的負面影響。 Best Management Practices (BMPs) 可有效的控制污染物進入地表水與地下水的技術。同時透過BMPs的操作,將可以在經濟與環境的限制之下,達到水質的保護。本研究將探討四種形式的BMPs技術─滯留池、濕地、入滲系統、以及過濾系統。並以最小成本為基礎,尋找最合適的工程技術組合。前期之研究以懸浮物為水質指標,計算在達成TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Loads)以及環境標品質標準(EQS)的前提之下,最小控制成本的技術組合。 本研究前期透過空間模型、集水區水文模型、經濟模型等分析住宅環境適宜性、BMP技術的設置適宜性、雨水逕流與污染物模擬、以及最小控制成本的模擬與計算等功能。其主要的成果為:透過經濟模型的計算,瞭解水質污染控制成本與水質標準之間的關係,提供都市發展與環境保護的參考指標。同時可提供環保署在訂定水質標準時的參考依據。 本期以第一年所建構的模型為基準,透過情境分析的結果輸出,以多階段迴歸模型,建構水文與土地使用的整合性模型。透過此一模型的建立,將可讓決策者更清楚的知道土地使用計畫與水質污染之間的關係。同時可以進一步的將此模型應用在土地使用管制上,減少因開發所造成的水源污染。 透過本研究成果,以及美國俄亥俄州大學Guldmann教授的交流討論,相信本計畫將可提供台灣地區的環境決策者另一種新的思維,並且在環境保護與都市發展之間找到一個平衡點。進一步在環保署整個水質標準的設定上,提供一個富有經濟意義的參考指標,以及引進TMDL的新的環境標準。
Since 1980s, some major cities in Taiwan, such as Tainan and Taichung, had negative growth in social increase, and the natural increase also dropped down to 2%. From 1990 to 2000, this suburbanization becomes more significant. Urban growth in Taiwan has taken place in the suburbs. The phenomenon, referred to as urban sprawl, has led to long-term degradation of environmental quality. Best Management Practices (BMPs) serve as novel effective technologies to reduce the movement of pollutants from land into surface or ground waters, in order to achieve water quality protection within natural and economic limitations. Four types of BMPs are discussed in this study—Pond, Wetland, Infiltration, and Filtering Systems. Each has different installation requirements, costs, and pollutant removal efficiency. The purpose of this research is to find out the minimum-cost combinations of these four technologies, with a focus on total suspended sediments (TSS), in order to achieve TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Loads) and EQS (Environmental Quality) standards. TMDL standard has been widely applied in the United State, but Taiwan. This research also would like to introduce this new standard, which focus on the pollutant loads, and compared with the traditional EQS standards, which focus on the pollutant concentration. The methodology uses four major models: Spatial Model, Watershed Model, Economic Model, and Integrated Hydrological-Land Use Optimization Model. These models provide suitability analyses for potential residential developments and BMP technology installations, stormwater and pollutant simulations, and minimum cost optimization procedure. The first year of results of this research will provide a practical reference for decision making about the balance between the urban development and environment protection. It can further provide EPA with economic assessment information regarding existing TMDL and EQS standards. This year of results of this research will use the first year’s models, but expand them. An Integrated Hydrological-Land Use Optimization Model will be constructed to connect the land use changes and the watershed model simulations. This new model can help decision makers easily to change the land use scenarios. With these two years’ results, this research can provide a clear picture for decision making about the balance between environment protection and urban development. It can further provide EPA a basis when setting up the water quality standards. |