近年來臺灣農、林、漁、牧業之溫室氣體排放係數,包含畜牧業之家禽部門排放係數之本土資料業已陸續建立,並已應用於“溫室氣體國家通訊”之計算。然而以本土資料所計算之排放量是否有其顯著之效應及能否被國內外專家學者所承認仍未定。因此,本研究即進行調查及彙整國內外有關禽畜糞尿處理之相關資料,並比較以本土係數及以"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change"(IPCC)之方式計算之差異性,期能求得較具說服力或公信力之數據。
The greenhouse gas emission factors in agriculture sector have been established continuously in Taiwan, including emission factors in poultry and other livestock species. Some of these factors have been referred in the "National Communication of Taiwan". However, whether or not these local established emission factors would be recognized by the international community is uncertain. Therefore, the purpose of this survey is to search and compare for the studies or national reports in relevant to the use of emission factors in manure management and to compare the differences in greenhouse gas inventory estimated by using IPCC default factors or local data.