本研究的目的為發展應用於紅麴橘黴素(citrinin)檢測之壓電免疫感測器。首先以二硫化物(dithiobis-succinimidyl propionate, DTSP)於壓電晶片金電極表面形成自組單層膜,抗紅麴橘黴素抗體分子則利用共價鍵結的方式固定於自組單層膜上。隨後比較直接型、競爭型及酵素放大型等三種檢測方式檢測紅麴橘黴素的可行性,結果顯示競爭型為最佳的檢測方法。採用此壓電免疫感測器檢測紅麴橘黴素的線性範圍在25~100ng/mL之間。此外,本壓電免疫感測器具良好的專一性,在高濃度的赭麴毒素的存在下並不會產生顯著的交叉反應。
A piezoelectric immunosensor was developed for the determination of citrinin. The piezoelectric immunosensor was fabricated by immobilizing anti-citrinin antibody onto the surface of DTSP-modified electrode. Determination of citrinin based on direct, competitive and enzyme amplified assay formats were evaluated in terms of detection sensitivity. Among them, competitive assay format exhibited the best performance. The immunosensor exhibited a linear working range between 25 and 100 ng/mL. It was observed that the citrinin assay is specific, no significant cross reactivity was observed in the presence of ochratoxin A.