Abstract: | 第廿七屆藝術與傳播國際千禧年會議於七月間在美國華府舉行。主辦單位美國世界名人傳記學會與英國國際名人傳記學會邀約撰寫一篇有關中國傳統哲學以詩藝傳述真理的獨特方式,以與西方習用的科學語言以及宗教語言作對比,因考慮與會人士多為西方政經界世界名人而非哲學專業者,乃以傳統三教之精義,尤其以道家與新儒家之詩藝哲理,分為:一、無言之教的悟道體驗,二:心體的自由創作,三、自得自樂的完成實現,共三段抒述生命主體的創造過程,恆朝主客交流、天人合一的目的邁進,而生命與自然的機體融合,臻至於得意忘言,自得自樂的境界,是價值真理的崇高表現,足以展現中國傳統遺產的哲學智慧在世界文化中仍然是獨一無二的珍藏。(本文曾獲國科會國外差旅費補助,謹此誌謝)
This paper was originally presented to the 27th International Millennium Congress, organized by the American Biographical Institute and British International Biographical Centre in July, 2000, at Washington D.C., USA. In a non-philosophical conference, this philosophical paper's main concern is to explain the essential meaning behind the poetic language. It begins with an analysis of the Taoist paradox, why the ultimate truth or the Tao is ineffable. The main body of the discussion is devoted in the following sections: 1. The philosophy of non-verberization; 2. Creativity of mind; 3. Self-realization as the metaphysics of poetry. The aim is to prove that, among the traditional Three Teachings, the quest for universal harmony is always the ultimate goal and the highest value of humanity. (The author wishes to thank the National Science Council of the Republic of China for the financial assistance provided to cover all expenses for attending the conference.) |