摘要: | 本研究的目的在比較93年及96年金門縣身心障礙者人口變項的差異性,採用的方法為文獻法、統計法與比較法。運用文獻法蒐集國內外學術資料,進行文獻檢閱,發展出本研究架構,做為本研究理論的依據:運用資料處理與統計法分析人口變項的差異情形;進而比較性別、障礙類別、障礙等級、教育程度、職業、婚姻狀況、致殘原因、是否參加全民健保、是否參加全民健保以外之保險等資料的差異性。本研究結果發現93年及96年的人口變項中,在身心障礙類別、等級、教育程度、職業類別、婚姻狀況、致殘原因、是否參加全民健康保險及保險類別八項達顯著差異。最後提出結論,並分別對衛生、教育、勞工和社政單位提出建議,提供給相關單位對作為福利服務的參考。
The purpose of this research is to compare the changes of Kinmen County's disabled population in 2004 with those in 2007 by applying the historical documents method, statistical method, and comparison method. Firstly, the research applies the historical documents method to develop the structure of this research. Later, the result is thoroughly analysis and organized to be the foundation of the theory of this research. With the Statistical Package for the Social Science-SPSS 12.0 for Windows, is used for data processed. The methods of number, percent and Chi-Square test are applied to analyze in the study. The comparison method is applied to compare the differences between genders, types and levels of disability, education attainment, employment, marital status, causes of disability, enroll in the National Health Insurance and other insurances. The research results show that the populations vary significantly on types of disability, level of disability, education attainment, job types, marital status, cause of disability, enroll the National Health Insurance and other insurances. Finally, this study will provide practical suggestions toward health, education, labor, and related authorities toward how to improve welfare services for people with disabilities based on the study findings. |