摘要: | 土地利用是人類在土地上活動的表徵,其形態與狀態呈現多時空尺度特徵,因受到經濟、文化、政治、歷史和土地所有權因子等影響,而呈現出具某種程度的複雜性與不確定性,且時空間特徵產生變化的原因也是複雜與多樣。本研究以景觀生態學為基礎,應用衛星影像、地理資訊系統、景觀生態指數分析方法,以台北縣汐止市為研究地區,以1990至2001年衛星影像為材料運用,景觀生態結構指數評估土地利用型態、特徵與空間結構的變遷,以了解土地利用分布、組成與變化;並透過生態結構指數與土地利用之相關性,嘗試分析土地開發管理政策對土地利用變遷之影響,提出應用景觀生態指數於土地利用規劃與管理構想。研究結果顯示汐止市整體土地利用與高密度植生地於1998年以前空間特徵趨於零碎化,之後趨向規整化;低密度植生地1996年前後空間鑲嵌的特徵有顯著差異;建成地則是呈現1990-1995、1995-1997、1997-2001三階段變遷。整體而言,嵌塊體指標及空間結構指標較能反應出汐止地區高、低密度植生地與建成地之土地利用類別交互鑲嵌關係。另外,建成地的開發對高密度植生地的影響高於低密度植生地,且山坡地開發管制政策的嚴謹度不同,會顯著影響建成地、高密度與低密度植生地土地利用別間轉換關係及空間特徵的表現。在研究方法上,發現景觀生態指數是分析土地利用時空間特徵變化的有效工具,且可藉由景觀生態結構指數分析與解釋汐止地區1990-1993、1994-1997及1998-2001年三階段土地開發管制策略對整體土地利用、高密度植生地、低密度植生地、建成地空間發展之影響。
Land use is the human activity affecting by economical, cultural, political and historical factors and presents complex, uncertainty and spatiotemporal characteristics. This paper analyzes spatiotemporal land use mosaic in urban fringe, Hsichih city, and impacts of land use strategies on land use change. The process of this study is follows: First, we calculate the landscape index after classifying land use categories from SPOT satellite imageries form 1990 to 2001 in study area. Moreover, to analyze the land use area transition between high and low density vegetation areas and building areas. Thirdly, to analyze land use characterizes changed in landscape and class scale level from 1990 to 2001 according to the landscape index. Finally, the work presents relationship between policies of land use control and land use change. The findings reveal that spatial character of landscape and high density vegetation became fragmental before 1998 but aggregative after 1998. The turning point of the tremendous change in low density vegetation is 1996. Building area presented different trends in 1990-1995, 1995-1997 and 1997-2001 periods, respectively. Otherwise, patch and spatial metrics are suitable to response the land use mosaic between high and low density vegetation areas and building areas. Impact of building development on high density vegetation area is stronger than the low one. These differences of control strategies in hillside affect the transition relationship between different land uses and spatial distribution. Based on the conclusion in methodology, we find that landscape ecological metrics significantly characterize spatiotemporal land use mosaic in landscape and class scale. On the other hand, they illustrated land use control strategies affecting structural change in landscape, low and high density vegetation areas, and building areas in Hsichih city in three stages ,1990-1993, 1994-1997, 1998-2001, respectively. |