因地下水資源管理中之水質與水量並重的考量,地下水質採樣與檢測的費用龐大,且其成本往往遠比地下水位之量測還高,如何建立具代表性之整體地下水質且又低成本之地下水質監測方案,是令人值得關切的重點。本研究乃藉由整合主成份分析方法與地質統計之多變量地質統計(multivariate geostatistics),在考量多尺度及多變量(多水質項目)之情況下,進行水質指標井網設計。本研究中以屏東平原作為實際應用之探討,提供既有觀測井作為水質指標井之優先次序,未來可將本研究之水質指標井網分析流程應用於其它研究區域,以節省地下水質監測經費。
The current groundwater monitoring network established and operated by the Water Resources Agency has successfully provided valuable information on the main aquifers in Taiwan. However, the cost of maintaining extensive monitoring of both the levels and quality of groundwater is very high. As a result, developing a cost-effective program for monitoring the quality of groundwater, which involves sampling from only a fraction of the existing monitoring wells, is important. Such a monitoring program can yield sufficient information to determine the quality of ambient water quality in the main aquifers at reduced cost. This work implements the multivariate geostatistical method to select a well network for monitoring groundwater quality indexes under considering multi-variables of multi-scales geostatistical structures. The results of this study are the rank of original groundwater level monitoring wells in the Pingtung plain as groundwater quality index wells. The results of this study indicate that the multivariate geostatistical method is suitable for locating groundwater quality index wells that provide sufficient information at reduced cost. The application of the proposed approach can be extended to other regions.