本驗旨在探討微生物性肥料對百慕達草生長的影響,以 “Sahara” 及 “U-3” 兩種百慕達草為測試品種,分別施以速效性台肥、緩效性肥料-Scotts、生物性肥料-田力寶、生物性肥料-田力寶+海草精及對照組5種處理。結果顯示,兩種草坪品種在5種處理下對總乾重的項獻主要來自經常被剪除的葉子部份,對於草坪的健壯而言,主要來自根部的生長狀況。結果發現根乾重和葉乾重的比例,不論是那一個品種,微生物性肥料和其加上海草精都優於其他的處理,較無徒長的情形發生。在田間試驗中,國除上多利用草坪專家以九分法來做肉眼判斷標準,本研究利用葉綠素計來判斷草坪葉部的生長狀況,實驗結果發現葉綠素計的測量結果與葉子的乾重有相當的一致性,得到較為客觀的測量標準。本研究並期望促使台灣朝向永續農業經營的境界。
Bio-fertilizers are using different types of living cells to provide soil nutritions for plant growth. The using of bio-fertilizers is one of the most important step to resolve soil pollution from pesticides using. Two bermudagrass cultivars were chosed in this research. Five treatments, including fast-release fertilizer, slow-release fertilizer, bio-fertilizer, bio-fertilizer+seaweed, and control were tested in this experiment. From the results we found that the treatments of bio-fertilizer and bio-fertilizer+seaweed were better than the other treatments on their ratio of root dry weight and shoot dry weight. From the comparisons of visual color rating and chlorophyll measurement we found that shoot dry weight was very response to chlorophyll measurement.