A 10-ha permanent plot (400×250 m) was set up in the Kenting Karst Forest for long-term monitoring the stand dynamics. The 10-ha permanent plot was divided into 1,000 l0×10 m subplots, in which tree species with a dbh of ≥1 cm were mapped and recorded. The families Ebenaceae and Euphorbiaceae dominated this area. Diospyros maritima was the dominant species with a relative density and dominance of 50.3 and 23.2%, respectively. Other dominant species were Bischofia javanica, Drypetes littoralis, Pisonia umbellifera, Laportea pterostigma, Aglaia formosana, and Palaquium Formosanum. The importance value of the 10 most dominant species was 74.4%, which suggests that only a few species dominate this karst forest. Four habitat types were derived according to the result of TWINSPAN analysis: the Pisonia umbellifera type at the bottom of the valley; the Bischofia javanica-Palaqulum formosanum-Gonocaryum calleryanum type on the flat hill; the Drypetes littoralis-Aglaia formosana-Pouteria obovata-Murraya paniculata type on the exposed limestone rocks; and the Macaranga tanarius-Melanolepis multiglandulosa-Cryptocarya concinna type in the basin, part of which used to be cultivated by Paiwan aborigines. The habitat type patterns seem to be correlated with the micro-landform patterns of the karst forest. Different micro-landforms experience significant diversity of wind intensity, light intensity, soil depth, and also tree species composition. This karst forest was low in tree species diversity, and was dominated by the family of Ebenaceae. Its tree species composition significantly differ from that of other forest type in Taiwan.