摘要: | 都市化形成高溫化的都市熱效應,影響生活環境舒適度。我國「生態城市綠建築推動方案 (草案)」的主要目標闡明:「加強建築節約能源,…降低都市熱島效應」,並擬透過都市計畫通 盤檢討實施辦法及都市設計審議等方式來實施。基此,擬探討都市設計管制與都市熱環境之關 係,以及那些管制項目影響都市熱環境。研究分成三部份來探討,分別是:分區管制、都市綠 地型態對都市熱環境之減緩影響分析,以及管制都市住區配置型態影響都市熱環境之分析等。 本研究計畫為土地使用分區管制與綠都市環境之相互影響關係的系列研究;延續95-96 年度國科會專題研究計畫「以航測與GIS 法探討都市土地使用變遷對綠環境品質之影響(Ⅰ、 Ⅱ)(NSC : 95-2211-E-034-004;NSC : 96-2211-E-034-004)」;94 年「以遙感探測與GIS 法 探討地區住居型態影響熱島效應之經濟分析(Ⅰ) (NSC : 94-2211-E-034-004)」;92-93 年度 「土地使用管制對綠建築社區影響評估模式之研究—結構方程模式法(I、Ⅱ) (NSC 92-2211-E- 034 -004;NSC 93-2211-E- 034 -004)」;「綠建築住區環境診斷模式之研究(I、Ⅱ) (NSC 92-2211-E-034- 002;NSC 93-2211-E-034-002)」;90-92 年度之「綠建築社區土地使用分區 管制策略之研究(1/2;2/2)(NSC 90-2211-E-034-004;NSC91-2211-E-034-003)」等計畫研究 成果的後續研究計畫,進一步探討都市設計管制對都市熱環境之影響。 本研究旨於探討都市設計管制地區、新都市發展地區規劃、或舊都市通盤檢討時,如何藉 由都市計畫與都市設計管制手法減緩都市住區熱環境措施,調節都市熱高溫的環境不適;另探 討調整各項都市地區住居發展型態的控制項目程度,對都市熱環境的影響效果,作為都市規劃 者之實際應用之參考。三年期計畫分三項主題來進行,第一年計畫為:「分區管制對都市熱環 境之影響分析」,探討:土地使用分區、以及分區管制造成人為熱源對都市環境溫度的影響; 第二年計畫為:「都市綠地型態對都市熱環境之減緩影響分析」,探討:都市綠地(都市公園、 鄰里公園、綠帶、林蔭道、基地退縮綠地、基地庭園空地等)型態對都市熱環境的影響;第三 年計畫:「都市住區配置型態管制影響都市熱環境之模擬分析」,探討:都市住區配置型態(平 形配置、二字型配置、不規則型配置、圍閉型配置等)對都市熱環境的影響,並模擬透過都市 設計管制產生的減緩效果。經此系列研究,期能將減緩都市熱環境之方法,延伸至都市細部計 畫、都市計畫通盤檢討、都市更新及都市設計等層面。
Urbanization is an inevitable part of human civilization. During this process, urban environmental characteristics such as urban heating and global warming develop, that increasingly degrades habitability. Based on the policy of “Eco-city and green building”, it prefers to use urban planning approach to decrease urban thermal environment. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to explore the relationship between the thermal pollution and urban design control as well as how they affect heat temperatures. This research is a continue research of the special subject of National Science Council, those are: “Life Cycle assessment of Green Environmental Quality Due To Urban Land Use Change Using Remote Sensing and GIS measurements(Ⅰ,Ⅱ) (NSC:95-2211-E-034-004 ;NSC:96-2211-E-034- 004)”,“Economic Analysis of Residential Developments to Affect Urban Heat Island Using Remote Sensing and GIS measurements(Ⅰ) ( NSC 94-2211-E-034 -003)”,“Assessable modeling of zoning control to affect sustainable urban community--Method of structural equation modeling”(NSC 92-2211-E- 034 –004;NSC93-2211-E- 034 -004), it also was a next stage of “The study of zoning control strategies of sustainable urban residential area (NSC90-2211- E-034-004; NSC91-2211- E-034-001)”, that take the concept of sustainable urban community to study zoning control and strategies of environment management. Based of those researches, it studies urban design control analysis of residential developments to affect thermal environment to advance environmental quality. The main purpose of this paper is to analysis subtropical urban microclimates, special focus on urban heat island phenomena, due to urban context control effect in urban planning in order to realize the relationship with each other. The first year’s research is focus on “zoning control affects urban heat island effect”. For this study, the Shilin and Beitou districts were used as case studies to examine the relationship between zoning controls and urban thermal temperatures. Which are: examine the link between urban thermal temperatures and zoning regulations, and analysis the effect that zoning controls has on urban heating. By reviewing the zoning control and urban thermal issues, determine ways of reducing urban thermal temperatures. The second year’s research is “the pattern of green space influence on the urban thermal effect”. This research is aimed each kind of type for green space in urban area, and to discussed it to the peripheral heat environment influence. Finally, it studies “the impact study of land use patterns of urban residential canyon on heat island effect”. It selected 23 residential canyons and examined the link between land use patterns and UHI. The main objectives are: analyzing urban warming is also affected by land use patterns on urban residential canyon; and realizing the impact factors of urban thermal temperatures on urban residential canyon, etc. Such results can then be used as references for planners, and aid the implementation of the “Eco-city and green building” in theliving environments of green communities and eco-city. |