Transverse Mercator Projection are often used to make topographic maps in Taiwan. From 6 degree zone in early stage to current 2 degree zone scale at the central meridian is changed from 0.9996 to 0.9999. The obvious effective influence is to decrease the maximum distortion errors from 1/25,00 to 1/10,000 in order to match the accurate requirement of cadastral surveying. Due to the distance distortion is affected by the structure of the projection, the errors can not be reduced by adjustment of instruments or the methods of surveying. Based on this, it is crucial to improve the structure of the projection if the accuracy of mapping is going to be dealing with. In consideration of the high accuracy requirements from land use aspect this research will recalculate a new scale factor to replace the k0 (k0=0.9999) by giving weighs of administrative district ranks with the consideration of the locations of cities in Taiwan. Not only can this research crucially and effectively reduce the influence of distance distortion but also promote the accuracy of mapping.