在色外貌現象中,色彩通常受到背景色或空間頻率所影響。本研究欲探討將彩色色塊放置在不同明度的背景中,人眼視覺感受之變化,以及改變並置兩色塊之空間頻率,其所產生的同化效果。我們設計了兩個實驗,分別以MATLAB R2007a軟體工具設計圖形使用者介面來輔助實驗的進行。由實驗結果得知背景之明度會影響中間色塊的明度與彩度兩屬性;提高並置色彩的空間頻率會同化為另一顏色,且與並置之兩色彩在xy色度圖上之連線近似成為一直線。透過本研究對於部分色外貌現象之量化評估結果,期望對於未來預測更複雜的色外貌現象與更精確的色外貌模式能有所幫助。
As we know, color appearances of a color patch are usually affected by its background or spatial frequency. The study intends to explore the perception as the patches are placed on different achromatic backgrounds, and the assimilation as the spatial frequency of patches is changed. We design two graphical user interfaces which are implemented by MATLAB R2007a for assisting the experiments. The results of this study find: the lightness of backgrounds can affect the lightness and saturation of central patches, and the patches tend to assimilate another color when the spatial frequency is increased. We expect this study will be helpful to predict more complex color phenomena and establish more advanced color appearance model in the future.