摘要: | 全球化已將商品無遠弗屆的傳播銷售到世界各地,而為了因應全球化之衝擊,地方經濟往往以增加競爭力與全球化相抗衡,然而因為地方產業之開發,如果未考慮「永續發展」,則環境生態之保育便難以顧及。永續發展為一個多樣性的概念,除了涵括環境(生態)、社會(生活)、及經濟(生產)三個向度外,也包括體制面的建構,即「三生一體」之架構。全球化的結果,除了塑造一個無國界的全球資本主義以外,同時更因為全球環境變遷造成對環境生態的開發壓力,也因為網絡資訊社會的崛起在全球地方主義的型塑上重組了地方社群網絡。因此,面對全球化的挑戰以及地方經濟發展型態的再結構之下,永續發展的意義必須能夠回應這種變遷,對於永續城鄉環境的營造上方能有其時代新意。本文從永續發展的基本意義-環境(生態)、社會(生活)、及經濟(生產)三個向度出發,在全球地方化的觀點下重新探討這三個向度的內涵。同時,則提出一個基於這些內涵的體制初論-地方資本重建,為城鄉發展規劃模式提出新的空間想像。
Globalization has pushed forward the market goods to places all over the world. In view of the impact of globalization, local economies always try to improve their competitiveness to hold down it. However, if the sustainable development (SD) concept is not considered, the conservation of the environment and ecology will not be obtained. SD is a multi-dimensional concept, including not only perspectives of Environmental Integrity, Social Equity, mid Economic Efficiency, but also of Institutional Mechanism, that is, the "3E1I" framework. What globalization ca make is not only the creation of a global capitalism without borders, but also the development pressure of environmental ecology resulting from global environmental shifts, as x ell as the restructuring of local community network within the emergence of glocalism under the rising of the information society. Therefore, facing the challenge of globalization mid the restructuring of local economic development, a comprehensive meaning about SD must respond ell to these transformations, which corresponds to the new trends for sustainable urban-rural development. This paper stalls with the basic meanings about SD: environmental integrity, social equity, and economic efficiency, arguing for the context of these dimensions with the perspective of glocalization. Simultaneously, this paper suggests au introduction about institution-reconstruction of local capitals, based on the context, to create a new spatial imagery for urban-rural development planning. |