從1980年代以來,世界各國皆採用市場導向與企業管理精神作為政府改造的思考主軸,並以業務委外、簽約外包、BOT及民營化等方式,將政府部門公共服務業務委以公私合作之做法實行運作。我國政府近年來也逐漸將部份業務依據合作或是委託的型式分別由私部門或第三部門(The Third Sector)來執行或管理。這樣的趨勢已由中央逐漸擴及到地方政府,活絡了公私部門合作機制並促進社會經濟的發展。本研究將運用相關政府業務委外之理論與實務,來探討、分析並進一步發掘問題,其目的在於瞭解我國業務委外相關法令依據、政府部門委外之過程與合作模式、探討政府部門現行的執行面向、相關成果、成效,並期提供建議以供政府、民間單位參考。
From the mid-1980s, the government regeneration is prevailing around the world. It included Nonprofit Organization、Public-Private Partnership、Contracting Outing and Building-Operating-Transferring, and so on. Firstly, the contracting out phenomenon goes by several names such as government by proxy; third-party government; hollow states; shadow government and the contracting regime. Contracting out is also a theory of the control of bureaucracy and of organization theory. Meanwhile, Contracting out is a key feature of the contemporary doctrines of management in public administration. Secondly, the third sector has a strong effect on the society. Nowadays many nonprofit organizations usually have the contract agencies for social services and public services. Therefore, the nonprofit organizations are good partners of government. Thirdly, the study will find cooperation relationship between the government and the third sector, and the effects of the government contracting out from the dimension of management and operation process. Finally, in order to achieve the goals of contracting out, the study suggests government should care more about issues of decentralization, management and information. It will also provide some suggestions to government about how to improve the outcomes of Contracting Out. On the other side, the nonprofit organizations should increase the capability of resource integration, information feedback and service profession.