摘要: | 自然內涵正進行著激烈轉變,過去理想色彩濃厚的環保理念,例如「回歸自然」、「資源極限」,在今天仍舊被傳達與運用,但另一方面更屬樂觀的、經濟導向的概念也不斷地被提出,例如「綠金時代」、「綠能科技」、「綠色企業」等。這樣的轉變顯示,當生態問題迫近眼前,從個人到國家,所思考的是現實的能源、產業、經濟、賦稅、科技等問題,環境道德訴求與社經根本調整似乎顯得遙遠與模糊,甚至相互之間也產生衝突。生態主義終結了嗎?現今的環境運動應如何定調?本文藉由對貝克、盧曼,以及以普魯東爲代表之後生態主義的論著評介,鋪陳有關人類/自然、社會/環境、科技/生態關係的理論發展,爬梳當代知識界對於自然多重內涵的回應歷程與脈絡。
Today the connotation of "nature" undergoes a radical change. Environmentalist narrative with traditional idealist mentality, such as "finiteness of resources" and "natural restoration", are still diffused and applied, whereas a much optimistic, economic-oriented terms like "green golden era," "green technology," "green entrepreneur" rapidly proliferate. Such transformation seems to suggest that in the fact of environmental crisis, for individuals and states, attentions are more likely concentrated on the practical issues such as energy, industries, economy, texts, and technology. In this way, ecological morality and social/economic transformation that have traditionally been prized become remote and vaguer, and certain contradictions are even found within the idealist narratives. Does ecologicalism come to its end? How environmental movements define themselves? By reviewing master writings of Ulrich Beck, Niklas Luhmann, Ingoefur Blühdorn, this paper demonstrates the theoretical evolution of relationship between human and nature, society and environment, technology and ecology so as to illuminate the contemporary intellectual responses to the multiple implications of nature. |