本研究之目的是確認衛生局、衛生所營養師的角色與工作職責,並探討衛生局、衛生所營養師目前的工作現況。研究方法分為兩階段,第一階段是採用德爾菲預測術研究法,探討專家學者及資深優良工作者(以下簡稱專家們)對於衛生局、衛生所營養師的角色與工作職責之看法,第二階段是對全台灣地區26個衛生局(n = 32)、369個衛生所(n = 13)之營養師進行問卷調查,以暸解實際工作者執行第一階段專家們確認的角色及工作職責之狀況,回收率分別是71.9%和76.9%。研究結果發現衛生局、所營養師自評的角色及工作職責與專家們的看法不完全一致。在衛局營養師的角色方面,二者均認同的是「活動管理者」,但專家們認為另外的重要角色是「計畫/評估者」,衛生局營養師卻認為是「監督者」和「行政管理者」;而衛生所營養師自評的角色與專家們的看法也不完全一致,相同的是「諮商者」與「活動管理者」,但專家們指出另外的重要角色是「教師」,衛生局營養師卻認為是「行政管理者」。在工作職責方面,衛生局營養師執行許多專家們評定為不具有必要性的「食品衛生管理」及「瘦身美容業管理」主題下的多項工作,以及「財政管理」工作,卻很少執行專家們評定為真有必要性的「全體社區的營養指導」、「個案的營養照顧」及「教學研究」等主題中的工作。多數衛生所營養師能落實「全體社區的營養指導」及「個案的營養照顧」的工作,但亦花費許多時間執行未被專家們評定具有必要性的業務一「食品衛生管理」及「瘦身美容業管理」。由結果看出,目前衛生機構公共衛生營養師的工作內容和專家們的看法有很大的歧異,尤其是「食品衛生管理」及「瘦身美容業管理」此二項工作的分配,值得再做檢討。另外,衛生所營養師嚴重缺乏,致使基層公共衛生營養工作無法落實,亟待由行政立法過程,重新規劃並擴大編制衛生所營養師之職位。
This study was conducted to understand the roles, duties, and current working status of public health nutritionists in Taiwan. First, the Delphi technique was used to collect experts’ opinions on the roles and duties of public heath nutritionists in county bureaus of health and local health stations. Self-administered questionnaires were then mailed to all the public health nutritionists of 26 county bureaus of health en = 32), and 369 local health stations (n = 13). The response rates were 71.9% (n = 23) and 76.9% (n = 10), respectively. The results showed that the roles and duties recognized by public health nutritionists in both county bureaus of health and local heath stations somewhat differed from the experts’, viewpoints. Much of the routine work was not considered necessary for public health nutritionists by experts, especially work in food sanitation management And supervision of weight control businesses. On the other hand, less than 50 % of the county bureau of health nutritionists fulfilled the work of community nutrition, nutritional care, and nutrition education and conducting research which were evaluated as important by the experts. Results suggest that current job assignments of public health nutritionists should be reevaluated, and that the severe shortage of public health nutritionists in 10cal health stations should be resolved through law to enable the implementation of the work of public health nutrition.