Both nutrition education and the dietary environment have great influences on the dietary habits of development adolescents. After reviewing recent survey results, we found that senior high school students do not eat balanced diets, and their nutrition knowledge about the relationship of nutrients with disease and weight control is unsatisfactory. Their body image is also distorted. Few nutrition topics are taught in high schools, and the teachers' nutritional training is limited. As for the food environment, the nutritional quality of the food sold in schools, including meals, beverages, and snacks, is undesirable, and regulations and standards are lacking. Suggestions correlating nutrition education and the dietary environment were addressed from two aspects. First, students' ability to develop healthy eating habits should be ascertained by increasing the content of nutrition-related courses which focus on knowledge as well as behavior. Moreover, the competencies of teachers should be enhanced through both pre- and in-service teacher education. Second, a healthy food environment in senior high schools and vocational schools needs to established by implementing "Requirements of food ingredients and essential nutrients for school lunches" and "Regulations regarding the kinds of food sold on senior high school campuses".