Okara or soymilk residue is the by product of soymilk, tofu and touhua. Because the high water content of the okara, it is easily spoilage and not easy to reuse. Since the off flavor of okara natto is very strong, People usually have low willing to eat it. The purpose of this investigation is to find a way to produce a low off flavor and high physiological property okara natto product. The result found there has positive correlation between traditional fibrin plate method and chemical method of nattokinase activity measurement. Both 5% waxy rice flour and 5% corn flour added could decreased the off flavor of okara natto, but the activity of nattokinase of 5% waxy rice added product was higher than the 5% corn flour added product. However, the waxy rice flour added amount increased from 5% to 15% would not significantly change the activity of nattokinase (28.67-32.60FU/ml vs. 52.30FU/ml for control) but decreased the off flavor of okara natto. Therefore, okara 15% waxy rice flour added will significantly decrease the off flavor of okara natto and maintain the activity of nattokinase.