摘要: | 邵雍學術在北宋五子中,堪稱「理學第一人」。其學派傳承,從《宋元學案》之〈百源學案〉可得知脈絡之梗概。北宋之降至清乾隆年間編篡的《四庫全書》問世,不但錄有邵雍的主要著作,並大量引用卲雍學術思想或語錄;不只汗牛充棟,而其學術思想更貫穿經、史、子、集,在北宋五子中,他人所無法望其項背。邵學傳承宋代象數之學和圖書學派的創始人陳摶,承先啟後,連朱熹也以為「近世言象數者必宗邵氏」,是邵學地位的最佳註腳,邵可謂居於理學黃金傳承的樞紐。然而其學通過友朋、弟子、子孫,以及道教學者等途徑,廣泛傳播於後世。本文即深入闡述邵門子孫對邵學傳承的貢獻與影響,透過其子孫:邵伯溫,邵博、邵溥等人之生平、著作、交遊,所編織的網絡,說明百源家學如何在邵雍學術上,以「即時掃描」的優勢、「近身素描」的方式,將邵學另一面著實、立體地呈現,承接邵學流派詮釋的完整性。本文主要在探究:邵雍學術至明清,能遍及「四庫」,影響所及,無所不在。其中,他的弟子及百源家學,傳承、闡述、出版其艱深象數之學,功不可沒。全文特別聚焦在邵門三代:邵伯溫,邵博、邵溥、邵傅等,透過《邵氏聞見錄》、《邵氏聞見後錄》、《皇極經世‧觀物外篇》等,得知「象數之學」傳遞的一面。
Shao Yong (1011-1077), after death, was a Song Dynasty Chinese philosopher, cosmologist, poet and historian who greatly influenced the development of Neo-Confucianism in China. Shao is considered one of the most scholarly men of his time. Yet, unlike men of such stature in his society, Shao avoided assuming governmental positions his entire life. Despite this, his influence was no less substantial. Shao's influential treatise on cosmogony is the Huangji Jingshi (《皇極經世》, Book of supreme world ordering principles) Regarding Shao Po-wen, Shao Po, Shao Yong is their father and grandfather, was literally their first teacher. This was common practice in the familial environment of China at the time. Shao Yong was somewhat of a scholar in philology, which can be discerned in descendants's literary works. The father taught them intensively the Six Confucian classics at a young age. While Shao Yong was extremely influental regarding their early education, Shao sought out the scholarship of some private schools. Around 1033. Shao is to meet his most important teacher, Li Zhicai (李之才). Li was a former pupil of ancient prose specialist Mu Xiu (穆修, 979-1032). Through Mu Xiu, Li was taught the "I Ching" extensively. Shao was a "member" of a group of intellectual thinkers whom had gathered in Luoyang toward the last three decades of the 11th century. Other loosely connected members of this so-called network of thinkers include: Cheng Yi, Zhang Zai, Cheng Hao (程顥, 1032-1085)and Zhou Dunyi. Central to each of these men was the ancient text "I Ching", of which each had studied heavily. The way in which Shao studied this ancient text, however, differed from the other members. By this time in "I Ching" studies during the Song Dynasty, there were basically two approaches one could study the classic with. The majority of scholars would take the yili xue (義理學, "principle study") approach. The minority, of which Shao most belonged, took the xiangshu xue (象數學, "image-number study") approach. In the future, Shao Po-wen, Shao Po, Shao Yong inheritanced the achievement of Shao Yong, Because of theirs work, Shao's School blossoms in radiant splendor in the descendant deeply. Regarding the preliminary study of this text, From now on the "Siku quanshu" can get clearly in response to the certificate. |