臺中縣市陸上砂石資源來源主要來自於沖積層、臺地堆積層及頭嵙山層。以地理位置而言,沖積層分布於大安溪沖積平原、大甲溪沖積平原及臺中盆地;臺地堆積層(尤為紅土臺地堆積)分布於后里臺地及大肚山台地;頭嵙山層則分布於新社鄉中興嶺以南一帶和大肚山臺地之西南緣。經本研究調查結果,臺中縣市境內的區域性陸上砂石資源約有1295.6億立方公尺,其中坡地砂石約1015.9 億萬立方公尺(臺地堆積、頭嵙山層),約佔78%,平地砂石約佔279.7億立方公尺(沖積層),約佔22%。 優先開採區係依「排除式-條件式-比較式」三階段的地理資訊系統(G.I.S.)篩選過程,初步評選出臺糖月眉、外埔、后里、林厝、聚興、水崛頭、山仔腳及萬斗六等八處農場為候選規劃區。最後經由比較式因子考量品質適宜性、可採量、交通運輸、土地利用現況及候選區規劃之現有或未來用途等評點及各因子之權重考量,評選出臺糖后里、月眉、外埔農場為最佳的三處優先開採區。 本研究於開採規劃區中採集20 點之樣品經品質試驗結果,月眉農場為佳級品質、后里農場為中級品質及外埔農場亦為中級品質。本次評選結果並考量土地取得難易及臺糖業者意願,評選出臺糖月眉廠所屬三處農場:月眉、后里及外埔農場為最佳候選開採區。此外,臺糖方面表示,如以臺糖所屬農場地為開採規劃區,建議以就地開挖並回填恢復耕種用途為主;如能加以土地二次利用規劃,提昇其利用價值,該廠相當樂於配合。
Sands and gravels are widespread in Taichung region. They are mainly distributed in alluvial plains, terraces and slopeland areas. The total known sand and gravel resources in Taichung region are estimated to be approximately 13×1010 cubic meters by the present geologic study. The paper discusses the site screening and evaluation processes, elements of the screening methods, background materials used and the evaluations used in the screening activity from regional studies of both Taichung city and county. Also the geologic investigation and the quality of rural sands and gravels have been studied. Basic geologic data, social economics, transportation and environmental information have been gathered for a GIS site screening process. Eight potential areas were selected during the first step of the screening process. Further screening and evaluation process resulted in Yueh-May, Hou-Li and Wai-Pu farms of Taiwan Sugar Corporation to be the best planning areas for sand and gravel resources in Taichung region. Study results will provide valuable reference information for the government to implement planning areas for sand and gravel resources in Taichung region.