This study delineated the Liukuei and Maolin townships of Kaohsiung County as the study area. A questionnaire survey was conducted to analyze the attitudes and opinions of the local residents toward local forests and the use of local forestlands. Results showed that most of the respondents agree that the local forests have important contributions to the soil and water conservation, clean air and water provision, and agricultural development of the area. The respondents also prefer the local national forests to be managed as protection forests, education parks, or forest recreation areas in the future. Converting the private forestlands for agricultural or housing uses to support income was considered acceptable by 47% of the respondents, and there was no significant difference between aboriginal and Han respondents. About 58% of the respondents either frequently or occasionally practice agriculture on forestlands, and analysis results showed that those who frequently practice agriculture on forestlands, and those who received less education were more inclined to agree on converting private forestlands for other usages.