Since the National Forestation Champaign launched in 1996, the results have been very successful. However, there are also some shortcomings need to be improved. For example, the forestation tracts are so scattered that field checking of forestation success that requires professional knowledge is both time and effort consuming. This study took the Linkou Township of Taipei County as a study area to examine the applicability of remote sensing techniques in facilitating or replacing field assessment of forestation. Results suggest that for juvenile forestations, panchromatic aerial photo images can be used to estimate forestation size as well as to evaluate forestation success. For older forestations, satellite images can be used to facilitate the evaluation of stand conditions. The mean NDVI of a stand derived from the QuickBird satellite image was found to be positively correlated to the basal area and the crown closure of the stand significantly. Therefore, satellite images can be used to evaluate stand condition by calculating the mean NDVI of a stand, or by estimating the crown closure through image classification.