澎湖群島環境條件不佳,造林工作相當困難,因此自1992年起改採用複層林方式造林,以提高造林成效。為了解澎湖實施複層林造林後林木生長情形,本研究於澎湖主要島嶼的造林地設置19個樣區,進行造林木、土壤及地被植物調查。調查結果顯示複層林造林後,黃槿(Hibiscus tiliaceus)與小葉南洋杉(Araucaria excelsa)生長相當良好,並已逐漸取代木麻黃(Casuarina equisetifolia)成為優勢樹種。迴歸分析結果顯示含水率高、壤土較多及鹼性較低之土壤對林分生長較為有利,惟統計上未達顯著。地被植物分析則顯示林齡愈大,地被植物種類愈多,且許多樹種已有開花、結果及幼苗更新情形,顯示複層林未來可能可以自然地持續更新。
Due to harsh environmental limitations, afforestation is particularly difficult in Penghu Archipelago. To improve afforestation success, multi-layer forests have been planted since 1992. In order to assess the stand conditions of the multi-layer forests, this study set up 19 plots on major islands of the Penghu Archipelago to collect data on tree growth, forest soils, and undergrowth plants. The results showed that after the multi-layer forests been planted, Hibiscus tiliaceus and Araucaria excelsa have grown fairly well, and have replaced Casuarina equisetifolia as the dominant species on the stands. Regression analysis showed that wetter soils, loamy soils, and low-alkaline soils were more favorable to stand growth, though the relations were not statistically significant. Survey of undergrowth plants showed that species richness increased as stand age increased. Flowering, fruiting, and regeneration have also been observed for many tree species, suggesting the multi-layer forests will be able to sustain naturally in the future.