Tree height and diameter were measured from 88 provenances of Cryptomeria and from 42 provenances of China fir. A composite index of growth was constructed by taking the average of the standard scores. Spatial variation was quantified using a quadratic regression model and a variogram model. Regression analysis shows that growth of Cryptomeria, but not of China fir, can be predicted by the latitude and longitude of the provenance. Statistical analysis using the variogram also shows significant differences between the two species. China fir has a higher value for the nugget, but smaller values for the sill and range than does Cryptomeria. In terms of model precision, China fir has a greater error variance, but a smaller R^2 than does Cryptomeria. Using a lag of 1.0° or 0.5 has no effects on the model parameters, but it affects the precision of the variogram model. The distance span (number of lags) affects estimates of the sill and range but not the nugget. The choice of model formula affects all 3 parameters and the R^2 of the model but not the residual sum of squares. The Gaussian model, with a span of 9 lags and a lag width of 1, seems to be the best model for the 2 species. For China fir, the isotropic range is short (<2°) and the aniso-variogram shows no significant trends in any direction. On the contrary, the isotropic range is long (>18°) for Cryptomeria, and the aniso-variogram shows significant E-W and NE-SW trends. Therefore, we may describe the growth pattern in Cryptomeria as clinal variation, while localized random variation may be more suitable to define the China fir provenance growth. In modeling the semivariance of other species, we suggest that the size of the lag should include more than 70 data pairs, and the number of lags should exceed 20.