Cuttings were collected from 56 trees of 9-yr-old Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla grown in the Liukuei Experimental Forest of the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute. A vegetative propagation test revealed that rooting capability of cuttings differed significantly among individual trees. After 1 mo, cuttings from 13 of the 56 tress (23%) had rooted with an average rooting percentage of 13%. At the end of the 5th month, cuttings collected from 41% of the trees had rooted. Rooting percentages of cuttings varied among trees, ranging from 5 to 83%. According to the trend of rooting capability, 23 trees were classified into 4 categories. Cuttings from 6 of the 23 trees (26%) maintained high rooting percentage from the beginning to end and were classified into the 1st category. The 2nd category contained 6 trees in which cuttings were characterized by low rooting percentages at the end. Another 3 trees (13%) were grouped in the 3rd category in which cuttings showed low rooting abilities from beginning to end. The remaining 8 trees (35%) produced cuttings with low rooting percentages, mostly rooting at uncertain time late in the experiment. In different seasons of the rooting experiment, cuttings were collected from 16 of the 23 trees. Significant differences were found in rooting percentages among cuttings collected in different months during the year. The results showed that a better time for the rooting of cuttings collected from mature E. grandis x urophylla trees was in October rather than in January, July, or April.