本研究應用簡單序列重複(Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat,簡稱ISSR)分子指紋技術,探討山木麻黃遺傳變異與親緣關係。由取自國際種原試驗8處地區13個種原113個樣本,使用了8個引子進行擴增反應,共產生52個多型性條帶,經透過種原的分子變方分析(AMOVA),結果地區間之變方成分是14.13%(p<0.01),地區內種原間之變方成分是10.33%(p<0.001),種原內個體間的變方成分是75.36%(p<0.001),顯示族群變異主要來自於種原內之個體間。同時自生種原間可能受到島嶼隔離影響,具有較低的基因流傳與較高的遺傳分化現象,栽培種原間可能是來自相同引種來原的效應,具較高的基因流傳與較低的遺傳分化現象。此外利用非加權配對群團分析法(簡稱UPGMA)根據族群間之遺傳距離繪出種原之歸群圖,發現肯亞(Kenya)及坦尚尼亞(Tanzama)之栽培種原可能引種自東爪哇(East Java)、龍目(Lombok)、巴里(Bali)及松巴瓦(sumbawa)等原生島嶼,表現其遺傳親緣關係:而來自帝汶島(Timor)之自生種原歸成另一群團而反映島嶼分佈之關係。
Genetic variation and population structure of 113 individuals sampled from 13 provenances of Casuarina junghuhniana Miq. were examined using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) fingerprinting. The 8 ISSR primers assayed yielded 52 polymorphic bands. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that the variance component between native and cultivated provenance groups was 14.31% (p<0.01), among provenances within groups was 10.33% (p<0.001), and among individuals within provenances was 75.36% (p<0.001). Remarkable genetic differentiation and low levels of gene flow were detected between native provenances due to geographical isolation. In contrast, cultivated provenances had low genetic differentiation perhaps due to coancestry. The UPGMA analysis revealed that the cultivated provenances from Kenya and Tanzania might have originated from native provenances from East Java, Lombok, Bali, and Sumbawa. The native provenances from Timor revealed geographic relationships among these islands.