This study was executed from August, 2006 to April, 2007 in accordance with the establishment and development of national trail system of Taitung Forest District office. Plant resources were investigated in south part of east coastal mountain range. The results revealed that vascular plant species comprises 758 species and 485 genus in 138 families which possessed 40 endangered species within total 41 sampled transects. Abundant plant species appeared in elevation of 700 m. Plant community showed Broussonetia papyrifera-Macaranga tanarius association, Tetrapanax papyrferus association and Euonymus tashiroi association with the increasing elevation, respectively. National trails of south part of costal mountain range mainly consisted of Je-Chiao-Shi trail, Ma-Lau-Lou trail Du-Lan-Shan trail and Shih-Kao-Shan trail. Of that, Je-Chiao-Shi trail and Du-Lan-Shan trail comprised Tetrapanax papyriferus and Euonymus tashiroi associations. The vegetation association of Ma-Lau-Lou trail and Shih-Kao-Shan trails belonged to Tetrapanax papyriferus association. Four trails had their own unique features, which were special landscape of a-hundred-year Ficus in Je-Chiao-Shi trail, prosperous lianas and attaching plants in Ma-Lau-Lou trail, the most abundant plant species in Du-Lan-Shan trail and dominant pioneer species in Shih-Kao-Shan trail. For promoting the use of these trails, plant resources should be continually monitored and maintained in this area.