本研究以杉木與紅櫟木為材料,各試材經PEG-200,PEG-600,PEG-1000,PEG-4000,及PEG-8000加以處理,進一步評估弦向、徑向之抗收縮性能、增容率、藥品留存率與相對效益,並以PEG-1000之30PEG-1000%濃度浸漬、塗刷與真空注入,並評估上述各值,重要結果如下: 1.以浸漬法處理所得之ASE值杉木介於38.4%-57.66%,紅櫟木則介於35.78%-47.15%,PEG-600與PEG-1000之效果較佳,二樹種之徑處理ASE值大於弦向處理,因此橫向收縮異方性值會變大。 2.杉木之平均增容率6.37%,橡木9.6%,體積增容率隨著分子量增加而減小,PEG留存率紅櫟木之19.30%亦較杉木之14.88%大,同一樹種中留存率愈大則ASE值愈高。徑向之PEG處理後之相對效率高於橡木。 3.PEG-1000經三種處理方式所得之結果,真空注入法之效果甚佳,明顯高於浸漬與塗刷法,ASE值杉木之弦徑向高達74.31%及77.35%,橡木分另别為60.2l%及65.68%。
Cunninghamia lanceolate (CL) and Quercus. (QS) treated with PEG-200,PEG-600,PEG-1000,PEG-4000,PEG-8000,were evaluated antishrinkage efficiency of treatment. The effects of soaking, brushing and vacuum penetration methods on wood stability also were included in this study. Results were summarized as follows: 1.ASE of soaking method varied form 38.43%-57.66% for CL and form 35.78%-47.15% for QS. The efficiency of dimensional stability of PEG-600 and PEG-1000 were better than others. ASE of radial treatment was slightly larger than that of tangential treatment which revealed transverse anisotropie antishrinkage became more significant. 2. Bulking cofeeicient of CL and QS was 6.74% and 9.65% respectively, which variation tendency increased with the molecular weight of PEG.ASE showed positive correlation with chemical loading. Relative efficiency of treatment of CL was superior to that of QS. 3.Vacuum penetration method revealed the more stable dimension. Tangential and radial ASE of CL REACHED 74.35% and 60.21% when compared to 60.21% and 65.68%of QS.ASE of soaking method was similar to that of brushing method.