本研究旨在探討雲林沿海平原天然及人工植群之長期變遷狀況,經由1997年至2001年期間,觀察三處草生植群樣區、兩處人工防風林樣區及兩處天然次生林樣區之研究顯示,植物種類以草生植群樣區改變最大,有明顯逐年減少之現象,此屬於次級演替早期之植物社會不穩定期,部分種類之豐富度隨季節轉換有波動現象,且生長空間若被優勢種占據後常抑制其他種類生長,而具有喬木層之樣區其植物種數變動較為緩和,部分有增加的現象。經由Jaccard相似性指數計算顯示各樣區於第二年時尚有60~82%以上之相似程度,至2001年時草生植群樣區與1997觀測時之相似度29~50%最小;具有喬木植群之樣區除木麻黃(Casuarina equisetfolia)造林地46%較低外,其餘(53~58%)皆高於前者,顯示有喬木覆蓋之區域植物種類組成之穩定度較草生地為高。研究期間各樣區喬木優勢種類有所改變,各區皆顯示木麻黃之優勢度逐年下降,海檬果(Cerbera manghas)、榕樹(Ficus microcarpa)等逐漸取得優勢地位,屬於第七樣區之紅仔珠(Breynia officinalis)優勢度已明顯下降並爲構樹(Broussonetia papyrifera)所取代。由於各樣區之林木尚處於發育階段,優勢種類之更替現象於五年的動態研究中即可明顯發現。
This study focuses on the long-term dynamics monitoring of natural and artificial vegetation communities in Yun-Lin coastal plain. The observation period was from 1997 to 2001. Seven sampling plots, including three grasslands, two artificial windbreaks, and two secondary succession forests were examined. The observation results showed that species composition decreased yearly in grass lands but the variation of species in forest plots were very mild and even increased in some plots. Most grassland in Yuin-Lin coastal plain is in the early stage of secondary succession. Therefore, the species richness varied along with the seasonal changes and the dominant species occupied most of the space to restrain other species from expanding. The similarities of species composition of grass communities were 60% to 82% during the first two years and became to the lowest 29% to 50% while comparing the data from 2001 to 1997 by using Jaccard Index of Similarity in all sampling plots. The Jaccard Index of Similarity of forest communities are 53% to 58% except the Casuarina windbreak plot with the value of 46%. It shows that the variations of forests communities are more stable than those grassland communities. The dominant species in forests community changes gradually during the monitoring periods. The dominants of Casuarina equisetfolia in forests communities decrease year by year while Cerbera manghas and Ficus microcarpa instead. The replacement of dominant species can be found clearly in the five years dynamics in this long-term dynamics monitoring due to most vegetation are in the early stage of succession.