優良的組員以及適當之氣象、機械、航管及場站設施等條件為確保飛航安全所必備,任何一方面的缺失均可能造成重大事故。本研究係以危害天氣為核心,調查松山機場不適航天氣並分析飛安事故當時之天氣狀況,並對三次個案進行診斷分析。結果發現民國81至88年間松山機場低於飛航天氣標準以6、8月發生最多,每日則以下午四時與上午八時為兩個高峰時段。而禁航天氣則以雷雨最多,且多發生在下午四時。在個案研究方面;個案一發生於鋒面逆溫層下,亦即垂直風切為該次飛安事故的關鍵。冷鋒上強大的溫度梯度與夜間發生的下坡風共同造就了夜間低層噴流,因而發生了強低層風切,導致進場班機在接近地面中遇上中度的低層垂直風切,而此風切又是使飛機由頂風進入順風,致浮力大減,高度頓失。個案二則係颱風外圍環流中的事件。當時楊西(Yancy)颱風雖已減弱為熱帶低壓,但颱風尾與西南氣流相結合,導致低壓中心東南方的風雨強大,相關空域天氣極不穩定。飛機過台中飛向嘉義途中,西向東的側風增加很快,致實際航路略偏,對飛機操控造成影響,亦是該次飛機失事地點並不在航道上的原因。個案三發生於香港,當時山姆(Sam)颱風中心在香港,一架MD-11在落地中翻覆。分析當時的天氣報告可知,出事時班機空速不足,而側風則超出規定。上述個案均顯示不良天氣條件在多數飛機失事中雖不一定是元凶,但往往是有力的推手,因而不容忽視。 基於研究需要,報告中除引用各氣象台站記錄有據的資料外,亦以大氣科學為基礎,做必要之推斷,並找出天氣因子所扮演的角色。由於飛行事故常係多種因素累積而成,而事故鑑定更責有專屬,非本研究群所可涉及,因而文中內容不能引為任何非氣象方面方的認證與推測。
There are many of he problems inherent in operating aircraft over long distances and long flight times. But,as the statistical results indicate, flying is safe. As we recognized that literally, millions of flights are successfully completed each year an over the world under well prepared rules and good team work. On the other hand, there are risks in aviation field. For example, among the mid-air hull lose aircraft accidents in the period from 1959 to 1992, about 4% were caused by weather. More beyond that, in many accidents weather may playa second role. Even more is that there were many canceled flights were caused by weather Oil route and in the airport. Therefore, in order to promote fly safety, a project of weather and aircraft safety is carrying on. In this paper part of the first year’ results are presented. Among them, there are three hull lose aircraft accidents, one was caused by low level vertical wind shear, one was caused by the combination of typhoon outer circulation and the southwestern flow. The third one was very dramatic. It happened in Hong Kong airport where a jumbo aircraft turned up side down during landing and crashed on the runway. As showed by satellite imagery the eye of typhoon Sam was on land of Hong Kong at that time.