本論文以黃順元(一九一五∼二○○○)六○年代發表的四個、七十年代發表的 二個、共六個短篇小說為研究範圍,筆者從對立的觀點嘗試理解作品人物的潛在意識與心理 反映,並分析作者慣用的象徵技巧,敘述作品的特性。 1、<生死相隨>(一九六七):新羅名將金庾信在愛情和功名的糾葛之中困惑,透過一匹 馬的道具,引起讀者對此對立關係的共鳴。 2、<自然>(一九六六):主角的母親、繼母、女友三人身上都發散狐臭,串連了母子、 男女、自然與動物之間的微妙心理關係,展現人性深層的意識狀態。 3、<數字遊戲>(一九七四):主角習慣把九和六的數字顛倒使用,下意識中要回歸流逝 歲月;六○年因膽怯未加入反政府學生示威,羞愧半生之後,終於摸索到消解的途徑,黑影 的設定則象徵對立之中的突破口。 4、<六月的母親>(一九六五):探討以韓戰為背景掀起的三種狀況。其中母親把嬰兒扔 到江中,同時用剪刀自殘腫脹乳頭的一幕,挑戰讀者對母性本能的認知。 5、<落幕>(一九六七):主角放棄求生意志,娼女卻強韌地生活著,對應荒謬的現實生 活,其中娼女大小不一的乳房象徵殘敗的低層生活景象。 6、<面具>(一九七一):主角一連串的蛻變過程,展現潛在慾望的歸屬,而韓戰的後遺 症和人生殘酷的一面,形成兩種對立;主角成了戰爭與自然的加害者雙重關係、現實(獨臂 不能當車床工)與錯覺(老闆腿殘障)巧合的對立。 以上六個短篇小說已超越短篇「三一律」的侷限,可惜並無研究論文出現,而作者進入六○ 年代後,已將前一年代懷念北韓故鄉、探討韓戰本質系列作品告一段落,致力於南韓社會中 生存問題的探討,發展了戰後代表韓國文壇重要的作品。 The analysis of this paper is confined exclusively to Hwang's six short stories published is sixties and seventies. On the assumption that literary works could be best understood by exploring or exposing how the writer creates people in a very peculiar social situation and put them through the existential journey, that is confronting the contradictions in life, the paper has attempted to capture the nature of contradictions and symbols depicted in Hwang's six short stories. A master of the modern short story, Hwang in general deals with the awakening and the doubts of the nature of human being. In the six short stories Hwang either employs traditional symbols or creates his personal symbology. In general appaisal, Hwang's six short stories are characterized as follows: 1.Hwang works mostly deal with the conflict or the contradiction of his time, such the consciousness or the subsciousness of beauty and ugliness, the self-knowledge of good and evil the awakening of human nature and social events, and the process of existential journey depicted as loneliness, suffering and self-discovery. 2. In these stories Hwang either creates his personal symbology or employs a legendary story in order to expose the existential nature of human being. 3. His works in general show narrative sophistication, and despite dealing with social problems of all classes and ages which trap people in the straggling conditions, the main theme written in prose hardly lose artistic rhythm.